Friday 17 November 2017

Our Latest Trip

Yesterday we hit the road again, just as the first couple of raindrops hit the windscreen of the ute.  We had to put the wipers on half way to Cowra and they were used on and off for the rest of the day.

So, what are we up to this time?

We started off heading south, calling in for a quick cuppa at a roadside rest area, while it briefly stopped raining.

As we arrived in Young we were surprised to see that the roundabouts were already decorated for Christmas.  They looked really festive.

I was rather excited, as we were in Young during cherry season, something that we have never achieved before.  It took us a while to find an orchard where there was room for us to park with the van, but when we found one we treated ourselves.  We are working our way through the pie, started on the jam  this morning on our toast and are enjoying nibbling on the cherries as we drive along.  Happy campers.

We decided that Gundagai would be a good destination for lunch and that it was a pie sort of day.

Bingo!   A pie shop.  Steak and Kidney for Mick and Lamb and Mint for me.  They really hit the spot.  The owner came out for a chat and it turns out he has only had the business for a couple of months.  Well. he certainly has tasty pies and good coffee.

As we wandered up the street we wished we still wanted something to eat, as the Niagra Cafe looked rather interesting, from its triple curved window to the original interior we spied through the window......another time.

Last time we were here, a couple of years ago, they were just starting to do some street beautification.  They have done a wonderful job so far, but have even more to do.  This sculpture is only a few months old, and there are more to be installed.

An interpretive board was in the process of being installed beside the sculpture.

There were a couple of fellows washing and then polishing the words to the song along one side of the street.  Mick commented to them that it is just as well they don't have all the words to clean.

The old timber railway and road bridge are icons of the town.

Mind you, the bridge you cross now is rather dated as well.  It is nice to cross an old timber bridge.

Our destination was Tumut, where we camped in a caravan park right beside the Tumut River.

The river comes out of Blowering Dam and is really fast flowing and cold.  You certainly wouldn't  want to fall in.

The caravan park has some huge trees.

They are massive.

We went for a bit of a walk  around town and were pleasantly surprised at the size and services available.  This old shopfront was rather lovely.

There are some lovely old homes.

We saw the tower of the Catholic Church in the distance so had to find it.  It really is a stunning building.  Even the pidgeon thought it was a good place to roost.

One old house looked like it needed a little TLC, but eagle eyed Mick spied a BMW sidecar on the verandah.

There is a wetland with several walkways next to the caravan park.  We only saw a very small portion due to the inclement weather.

We came across this little family beside the river.

I then heard a bird call in the tree behind our van and eventually spied an azure kingfisher, not that you can see the blue in this photo.

We could easily spend more time in Tumut, exploring the Wetland Walk and there is also a River Walk in the opposite direction.  We may have to return one day.


  1. You do go to some really top spots❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Ooh - cherries! How nice, and you purchased a lovely selection of cherry goodies. What a lovely place Gundagai looks.

  3. looks like your having a great time away.......I saw cherries on the road side on the way home but didn't have nay cash to buy some...........
