Tuesday 22 August 2017

Poor Snubby the Silver Sidecar

"Snubby" the sidecar arrived home from Queensland on Thursday.  Mick collected her from the transport company and put her in the shed until he had a chance to have a look at how much damage there was to the back wheel bearing.

Well, this afternoon he had a look.  Ooh!  What a mess!  We were so lucky that we had pulled up when we did.  Before we went away, we joked that if the wheels fell off on our trip, we would just take the caravan somewhere.......never for a moment thinking anything would happen...........but we so very nearly had the wheel fall off......literally.

We really were very lucky.  It could have been a somewhat disastrous situation if the wheel had collapsed while were travelling at highway speed.

Mick is now investigating where to get spares and Mr Youtube is providing some training on fixing it all up.  We have since learned that this is something that does happen from time to time.  It goes to show that no matter how much preparation and maintenance you do, things still do happen.  Mick had checked that area before we left and all was good then.

Hopefully she will be back to her usual self before too long and we can go for another ride somewhere.


  1. Oh boy ,so glad you both weren't hurt,could've been nasty,hope she fixes up ok xx

  2. You were defineately both fortunate you stopped and realised the problem...hope Mick can fix her soon...

  3. The internet is an amazing resource! I'm sure with Mick, google and youtube on the case Snubby will be repaired and ready to hit the road again very soon.

  4. lucky break... except for Snubby of course who now needs some TLC...

  5. You were lucky.....poor van❤️❤️❤️

  6. Definitely a blessing that you stopped at Homestead!


  7. Yep definitely had it, lucky you checked. But i did get to see you.

  8. Hi Janice, finally able to catch up with some b;og reading, not always easy while traveling around.
    So pleased your Snubby made it home. And it's lucky that your ever resourceful Mick seems to put his hand to most things, or will know where to go for help if needs be. Looks like an expensive fix.
