Saturday 3 June 2017

Happy 5th Birthday to the Chook Shed

I can't believe that the Chook Shed has been around for 5 years.  Chooky always likes to throw a party to celebrate and it seems that I make a cake some years......even if Chooky never gets to eat it.

Last week I received an SMS from the hostess herself asking if Mick was going to bake a cake.  This was before I had shared Mick's first ever baking experience.

Some men spend time in the kitchen whipping up a storm.  Others don't.  Their talents lie elsewhere, and I'm glad of Mick's many other talents.  Mind you, he certainly can cook a nice dinner and is always very hands on with making preserves.

However, never one to pass up a challenge, he made his first cake.  A "Boiled Jaffa Cake".

Juicing the orange.

Mixing, mixing.

The finished product.  Maybe he made the icing and I spackled it on.

He was looking rather pleased with himself.

Yummo! It tasted rather good.

Happy Birthday Chook Shed.


  1. Good on Mick for making a cake...... I love this special weekend!

  2. Well done Mick your cake looks fantastic,you are a man of many talents ,I look forward Janice to see what sewing you get done on the weekend xx

  3. Way to go mick..... The cake looks great......jaffa cake sounds interesting.....wished I really could eat some........
