Sunday 25 June 2017

A Long, Long Weekend Part 4 - Camping at Ponto Falls

After we left the Chookshed we visited some more friends in the area. While there we enjoyed a lovely rainbow, but once again no rain other than tiny scattered showers.

We kept on our way on more dirt roads. I love seeing all the creative letter boxes and property entrances.

Our travels took us through the Warrenbungles.  Such dramatic scenery and it is good to see the bush regenerating after the devistating bushfires a few years back.

Our destination for the day was Ponto Falls, north west of Wellington.  We had heard it is a nice place to camp, so thought we would test it out.

Another dirt road had to be traversed.  You have to love a tunnel of trees down a country road.

The campground is long and narrow, running beside the Macquarie River, which is just a tad larger than when it runs through Bathurst.  Despite it being a long weekend there was oodles of available space.  The first thing we noticed were the trees.  They were huge!  Big, old river red gums.  The photo doesn't do them justice.

There was quite a racket as we were setting up, coming from the tree nearby, which was full of sulphur crested cockatoos.

You can't hide when travelling.  We got talking to some neighbouring campers only to discover they are from Bathurst and I knew one of them.  Just as well we were all with the right partners.

After setting up camp we went for a short stroll along the river.  How is that for a view!

Once again, the afternoon light was lovely.

Despite the name there is no waterfall at Ponto Falls.  The "Falls" refers to some shallow rapids on the river.  We didn't go down there, but there was a nice flat area with easy access to the river.  Mick is thinking this would be a lovely place to bring the kayak to....One day.

We enjoyed watching the sun set over the river.

On dusk there was another great racket from above.  Wave after wave of cockies flew overhead - all flying downstream.

Nearly dark.

If you are camping, you need a camp fire.  Ours was only little, but very enjoyable to sit around.  There is a caravan magazine which always has a group of people with their arms in the air.  Mick thought it was a good idea to emulate them.  Whatever keeps him happy.

While we sat in front of the fire we stargazed.  There were so many stars on show. We also saw several aeroplanes fly over and a couple of satellites glide across the sky.  It was the perfect night for camping, being not too cold, still, and moonless.  After a while we noticed a light in the east, and then the nearly full moon rose.  Beautiful.

After a good night's sleep we woke to another great racket overhead.  This time the cockies were all flying upstream.  Don't ask me....

There was a soft mist over everything, which was rather lovely.

One final picture of our campsite, before we headed home to get ready for another week at work.

It is amazing how just a few days away can be really refreshing.


  1. Looks amazing. What a wonderful way to spend a looooong weekend.

  2. Such beautiful photos - I especially love seeing all the cockatoos in the trees!!

  3. Ponto falls area does look nice and serene........thanks for coming to stay.....

  4. It all looks amazing!! Fun photo of Mick with his arms in the air. You must be so happy with your caravan.
