Tuesday 23 May 2017

What a month April was!!!

There didn't seem to be a spare minute, but it is always a busy time of the year, having the best weather.  Where does one begin?

The month was supposed to start very quietly, as Mick was booked in for knee surgery at the end of March.  Unfortunately, it was postponed for a week.  He had made all his arrangements at work, so there was no need to go in, so what does he do?  Refit the office, of course.

When we bought this house there were double doors from the entry into the room we use as an office in addition to a normal door.  We had the double doors closed in, but time ran out and the wall was never painted.  We knew how we wanted the office to look, but that it would have to wait for a little while.  In the meantime, we moved our big old desk in and proceeded to make the place a dumping ground.

Not pretty at all, is it.

We had seen an idea at a display house that we both liked, so last June, yes 10 months ago, we visited Ikea and there have been a pile of flat pack boxes sitting in my sewing room ever since.

Mick got out the paint brush (yes, that is very orange) during his week off and then on the weekend we dismantled the old desk, which we had built as an Easter project 20 years ago, (using my desk at work at the time as our inspiration).  It then took us a full day to build and install all the furniture.  A couple of cute desk lamps were found at the local lighting shop and a few bits and bobs added.  It looks so much better and will be so much more practical.

Wow!  It looks just a tad different from before.

The mail and charging table is an old wash stand that had been my grandmother's.  Mick did a great job of fixing it up a few years ago.  Of course Joey has to have his little spot while we are in the office.

On the other wall we now have a nice big shelving unit and filing cabinet.Still a bit of playing to do here.

It is still very much a work in progress, but we are getting there.  I just need to have a few weekends at home to play.

It worked out well to complete the project when we did, as Mick's knee would not have been ready fore crawling around putting furniture together for quite a while after.

Another recent visit to Ikea provided a further pile of flat pack boxes to store in my sewing room until the next project comes to fruition.  I wonder how long that will take? 


  1. oh and hope the knee if great now.......

  2. Oh WOW well worth the wait. Your refurbished office looks fantastic..
    Speedy recovery for the knee ..

  3. What a bonus to get the office done before Mick got his new knee. It looks fabulous! You know I love the colour!! Does it have a fun name from the paint chart?

  4. Looking good! Wishing Mick a speedy recovery from his op.

  5. Mick made good use of the time .. .the office looks fantastic - will you keep it so tidy???

    Hope the knee op is done and dusted and he is skipping around!


  6. Looking good. Bombed by kitty! They have to be a part of everything. Hope Mick is doing well. Xx

  7. Woh I haven't caught up on blogs for a while but you two have been busy. Great looking reno
