Monday 7 November 2016

In Our Own Backyard

When we had our little brain snap just on a year ago (yes, it was that long ago) and decided not to build a new home but to see what was out there to buy, we stumbled upon this house on our first evening of looking on line.  We viewed it the next day and our offer was accepted on the next.  We didn't look at any other properties.

We had some rather stringent requirements.  Mick needed a big shed or somewhere that he could get decent rear yard access to build a big shed.  There aren't too many properties that fit the bill in the area we were looking in, so we grabbed this one before it slipped through our fingers, so to speak. Oh, and the house was rather nice too.

You see, the house is on a corner block, which is relatively flat, and had good side access to a large area with not a lot in it, other than the clothes line.

There was a nice, established easy care garden and a beautiful lawn.  We've never had a real lawn before.  Our first little cottage just had grass.  A lawn was one of those things we were going to get around to, but we sold before that happened.  When we were out of town we had paddock grass.  In the spring and if it rained it was green and Mick spent hours every week on the ride on, or it was dead or just plain dirt.  Quite often it was dirt as we didn't have a reliable water source for the garden.  The lawn here is just luxurious to walk on.

There is a nice outdoor living area as well.

Around the corner is a blank wall with all the services.

Why am I showing you all this now?

Well, since Easter, when we moved in, Mick has been a little busy and it looks just a tad different.

I thought I'd show you the "Before" pictures before you see what he has been up to.


  1. Don't be a tease. I need some good ideas to get my husband to even consider moving into town!

  2. haha... it looks lovely but I am waiting on the big reveal!

  3. Hee hee I can skip straight to the next exciting episode...
