Sunday 24 July 2016

Catching Up - May - Bits and Bobs

After going through my photos for May there are just a few odds and sods that I may as well put here.

Our first decent frost.  How amazing to get to the month of May without frosts.  Unheard of.  Mind you, we haven't had many frosts at all this winter, it has been bleak and overcast or wet most days.  Oh, for some nice days after a frost.

We bought this lovely fuschia at a church fete and found a nice, protected spot for it on our back verandah............until we had our most severe frost of -7 degrees C. (Yes, one of our few frosts  was a doozy.) Obviously not protected enough.  Oh well, it was nice while we had it.

I pulled up next to this crazy patchwork of a car in town one day.

It is owned by a local.  He works at a place that does signage on vehicles.  His car had poor paintwork, so he started putting the scraps from his work on the car.  There are some very clever little quotes on it too.  You could spend quite a bit of time reading them.  Too funny!

So that's May.  Now I will have to do a bit of a catch up on June and we will be back up to date.


  1. Your fuschia should come back. We have one at the side of the house. It has only just succumbed to the frosts, but will be back in spring. Last winter was far more severe than this one and it reappeared. I put a bunch of cyclamen in a few weeks ago, I think I may have lost one or two.

  2. Oh I love fuschias and have never had any luck with them.. Hope your's comes back...
    WOW. love the crazy car....

  3. That patchwork car is certainly eye catching - you wouldn't lose it in the car park, would you?

  4. What a fun car!! Fushias are such a pretty flower, I hope you find a better spot for one in the future. I wonder if you had frost this morning, It feels extra cold here! brrr
