Thursday 7 April 2016

Finish Along First Quarter Wrap Up

I've been rather tardy in giving an update on my projects that I had nominated to finish in the first quarter of the year.

I only gave myself a short list, but I didn't even manage to achieve all of those.

You can see my original list here.

I only managed to get the binding on Mum's placemat, which I finished back in February.

I know it is a poor excuse, but being on holidays and then moving have put me behind the eight ball.  There just may also be a little lack of mojo at present as well.

I will definitely sign up again for the next quarter and endeavour to finish my two remaining projects and add one more.  I think I will stick to just three a quarter.  I do want to give myself a slight chance of achieving my goal.


  1. Moving house is a fair 'excuse' Janice... the placemat looks great!

  2. Hi Janice,don't be too hard on yourself you had a pretty busy month my friend,I love that placemat xx

  3. I think your major work has been moving into your new house, and that's a huge project! Mojo will return when everything settles down again.

  4. achievable goals are the best.......

  5. Moving house, and a long travelling holiday give you about 6 months of excuses in my book! That is such a fun placemat, are you making a set or just a special one of a kind?
