Thursday 7 January 2016

Review of 2015 - Part 6 - December

At last, the final installment.

Firstly, a recap of the things I've already shared.  My lovely gift from Oddbjorg in Norway for the Secret Santa Christmas Swap, we have a new Christmas tree to show off special ornaments, my gifts sent to Lou and the projects from my stitching day with my friend Anne.

Then the things I haven't shared.

Firstly, Shez shared a Spinach and Fetta Pie recipe back in October.  At the time last year's spinach was shooting to seed, so this would be a great way to use those last leaves.  It was soooooo good.

I've now made it three times.  Thanks for sharing.  Also, as we have zucchinis, we have made zucchini slice, shown here, zucchini fritters, zucchini lasagne, zucchini with tomato and cheese on the egg plants and tomatoes will be coming on.

Speaking of which, we didn't get tomatoes for Christmas, which always is the big aim here in Bathurst, but we did start picking the small ones a couple of days after.  These are called "Tomato Berry" and there are going to be loads of them.  The other plant is still a little way off, lots of green tomatoes but no colour as yet.

Testing, testing, testing, one, two, three...,

Remember I received some lovely Bonnie and Camille fat quarters in the birthday swap last year...........  Well, I wanted to make something special with them.  I decided on the "Swoon" pattern.  I purchased an additional two fat quarters to make up numbers.  Then to decide on a background fabric.  As some of the fabrics had a white background, white wouldn't work.  I tried a light grey, but it didn't do it for me.  I tried a charcoal.  Yes, the colours popped, but I was hoping for a nice, fresh looking quilt.  The charcoal was too dramatic.  I wanted something in between. I sound like Goldilocks here.  I had a grey with a small print from spotlight, so tried it with some similar value colours and I'm happy with the look.........but there wasn't enough on the bolt for my needs.  Anyway, I have now settled on a very light grey print on a white background.  I think it will do the trick.

This will be my block of the month project for this year. It hopefully won't be too hard to achieve.  Let's see how I go without a whip cracker.

In the meantime, my sample block will be turned into a table topper.

And that's just about it.

Except for one thing.......

Those of you who remember that we were supposed to be building a house this year may notice I haven't mentioned it.  Well, we had plans drawn up ready to go and then in November had a brain snap and decided not to build after all.  We have found a house that we like, still in the area we want to be in. It is ten years old and very different in style to what we were going to build.  However, it is on a nice sized block and has room for Mick to build a big shed. He has been missing his shed this year.  There is a nice, established native garden.  So much easier than having to get everything started from scratch.  Oh, by the way it has a rather nice, big. light room for me to have as  a sewing room.  We will move in during March, so things will be busy then.

Looking back, 2015 was busy but enjoyable.  Moving into town has made it so much easier to be out and about.

This year should be fun as well.  Bring it on.


  1. It was a good year ... Love the house xxxx

  2. congratulations on the house purchase.. it looks lovely.
    Swoon is looking good too! Xx
