Saturday 2 January 2016

Review of 2015 Part 1

Happy New Year to everyone.  I'm really looking forward to 2016.  We have lots going on.

In the mean time, I'll reflect on the year that has just passed. It is only on reading over old blog posts that I realised just how much we did during the year.  I did get rather lax at blogging in the second half of the year, so I will do a quick catch up as well.  Let's face it, the reason I started this blog was to create a record of our goings on.

OK!  Lets get to it.


The main outing we joined in on was to Carcoar on Australia Day with the Historic Car Club,

I made a good start to the year with a couple of Christmas makes, a sew together bag and participated in the Australia Day Swap.


As usual, February started with the Swap Meet.  We took a bit of a back seat as far as organising, which was a nice change.

Next was our big adventure to New Zealand for my 50th birthday present.  We spent three wonderful weeks exploring the South Island and part of the North Island.  The highlight was catching up with Lou and Tony again, after they moved from the Isle of Man. Of course, there were lighthouse photos taken.

I did get a little sewing done.  All gifted.


A highlight on the calendar for each March is Girls Day in the Country at Nundle.  This yea was no exception.  Mick tagged along too.

After Nundle we kept heading north, visiting family and friends along the way.  We also had  a couple of days by the water, which was lovely.  I seemed to be taking photos of clock towers instead of lighthouses.

We had a cold snap right at the start of April, which was a shock, so we changed over quilt to a more Autumnal version.  I made another Christmas project and introduced you to my "What's Next" sign.

The Show came to town with all its colour and noise.  We love to attend each year.
Anzac Day was commemorated with so many knitted poppies.  They really were stunning.

We visited "Ironfest" at Lithgow.  It was a great day out.  So many people go to loads of trouble with their costumes.

Easter was busy, joining in on a rather wet Classic Bike Rally, a quick trip to Hill End and visiting the Panel Van Nationals show.

We also visited the Springwood Quilt Show and met Rachaeldaisy.

So the first four months were pretty busy.

We were also settling into life back in town, which was good.  It was easy to disappear without worrying too much about what was needing to be done back home.