Saturday 16 January 2016

Plans to Finish Some UFOs

Like most of us stitchers, I have quite a few UFOs.  Many won't need very much to finish them off.  

What I do need is a little motivation.  Last year I stumbled upon the Finish-A -Long, where you nominate projects you aim to finish in the quarter of the year.  Your list can be as long or as short as you like and there is no real pressure, just the incentive of being accountable. I though I might join in this year.  It will also be a great way to meet some more bloggers.

2016 button 250 best

I'm only going to add three projects, as we are going to have a rather busy time in the next three months, what with moving and all.

Here they are.

The first project I need to finish.......but firstly to start is a baby quilt for a little lady that has already arrived.  I need to get cracking on this one.

Next, I just need to put the binding on my Nature's Journey Quilt that I worked on in a Stitch-A-Long last year.  The top was completed in September, my friend Val quilted it in October and I just haven't got around to that final step.  I really want to have it finished to take to Girls Day in the Country at Nundle in March, as Anni Downs, the designer, will be our tutor on the day.

Finally, I have this place mat that just needs its binding.  I made it for Mum's birthday, back in October.....didn't happen......Christmas came and went.......and it's still not finished.  Let's see if I can at least have it finished in good time for Mother's Day. Yes, Mum enjoys doing jigsaws.

These three finishes should be quite achievable......especially as I've now laid my cards on the table.  This should be a bit of fun.

If I go okay, I may even be a bit more ambitious next time.


  1. Love the fabrics you have chosen for the baby quilt..
    Sew good to only have the binding to do on NJ. I only took my flimsy out today and wondered if it's needs another border?
    What a great gift for your Mum. I am sure it will be ready for Mothers Day..

  2. Oh such a lovely quilt! Will be great to see it finished! =D
    And those fabrics for the baby quilt, just precious! <3

    And I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you regarding mothers day, I'm sure you'll make it! Such a fun puzzle quilt! =D

  3. Very achievable goals, I'm sure you'll make it.

  4. That all seems to be pretty doable. I have one of those gifts that has missed Christmas, will miss a birthday and will be finished ......when ever! I really must get back into my wee room, but I'm having too much fun with Sleepy.
