Sunday 31 May 2015

Party Time

This weekend marks the third birthday of The Chookshed.  It is a great excuse for a lot of girls to have a party.

Of course, all birthday parties need cake.  We couldn’t eat it on our own, so invited Mum over for afternoon tea yesterday.

Mick had the honours of blowing out the candles.

Yummo!  Carrot cake using eggs from the chookshed.

No stitching was achieved until yesterday afternoon, as some lovely person or persons unknown decided to throw a golf ball through Mum’s large lounge room window on Friday night.  There was a bit of mucking around to clean it up, make the window secure and arrange an insurance claim.  It is at times like this that we are glad we are back in town, as we are only a few minutes away, not half a hour.

When Mum came over for afternoon tea she was instructed to bring whatever she was working on so that she could also join in the party.  She brought along some crochet she is working on for the church fete.  I’m plodding away with my Nature’s Journey.  I will have May finished today.  Of course Joey was a great help.  This is his favourite position now the weather has cooled down.

Last night saw no sewing either, as we visited some friends for a pizza night.  Lots of fun.

So I am now, rather belatedly going to get started on some stitching today.  Mick has headed off motorcycling with a mate and I have been  joined by another friend to do some sewing, which will be nice.  More progress later.


  1. Oh that would have been a shock for your Mum having the window broken!! Your cake looks lovely, nice to sit and sew/stitch with your Mum and then with a your helper!!

  2. Lucky you were on hand to fix your mums window. And lovely to have a cake and sewing afternoon to take her mind off it.

  3. sounds like a great day... except the broken window mess....

  4. What a lovely afternoon tea and delicious looking cake!! Isn't it wonderful that your mum joined in the fun with her crochet. I love the photo of the two of you sitting on the couch.

  5. woops missed commenting as I saved this post but the cake looks great....nice your Mum got to come and join you........
