Monday 26 January 2015

Australia Day Outing

It  wouldn’t be Australia Day if we didn’t head out somewhere to an event.

This year the Historic Car Club headed off to Carcoar, which is often our destination.

Mick and I enjoy wandering the street, checking out all the lovely stalls and poking our noses into the little shops.  Carcoar is one of those places that fluctuates from having lots of interesting shops, to not having much at all.  Things are looking good at the moment, with my favourite being a new vintage shop on the corner.

Carcoar Vintage Shop

Don’t let the empty street fool you, I was really lucky to catch the shop without a crowd in front of it.  Inside there was gorgeous bunting made from doilies.  I was particularly taken with the chairs upholstered with vintage souvenir tea towels.  Such a pity I have no chairs needing recovering.

Carcoar - Entertainment

We were kept entertained by a fantastic duo.  The girl’s voice really was lovely.  And, of course, the Cobb & Co coach is always in attendance giving rides.

There is always a great collection of old vehicles under the bridge, along the river bank.  This year there was also a little train for the kids.  Clubs from all over the central west come along for the day, which is a great way to catch up with other like minded people. No, we didn’t take Olga, we went by modern car this time.

Carcoar Display

Carcoar - Cars and Bikes

My Mum’s first car was the same as the one bottom left in the above photo.

Carcoar - Cars

The boys were fairly salivating over these rather tasty little Hondas.  They are actually highly modified postie bikes, but you could never tell now.

Carcoar - Postie Bikes

After we had our fill of the happenings at Carcoar we headed home the long way (as we do), stopping in the little park at Neville for our picnic lunch.  Last time we were at Neville we were on “Olga” and it was freezing cold.  You can read about it here.

Carcoar - Travelling Home

After we finished lunch we had a wobble tour around the village, finding a rather lovely squirly, whirly gate and church bird house.  Then it was onto some dirt road – we have to find a dirt road on the way home – through a tunnel of trees and eventually found our way back home.

It was a lovely day out, with the weather not being too hot and no rain, and of course finding little roads not often travelled….oh yes,  a couple of vintage pieces of china found their way home too.


  1. Sounds like you had a great day!

  2. Looks like it was a beautiful day out. I haven't been to Carcoar for years, so good to see a little villages being revived.

  3. What a great way to celebrate Australia Day, a pretty town and a wonderful car show. I've looked through the window of that vintage shop, it does look especially good with lots of tempting things.

  4. Hi Janice sounds like the perfect day with lots to see,thankyou for sharing your lovely day xx
