Thursday 11 December 2014

It’s All Happening

After seven months on the market our house has finally sold!!!

November & December 2014 359

After six months we changed agents and went to auction, which brought things to a head.  We accepted an offer a few days before the auction.

Contracts exchanged on 19 November and settlement is on 19 December, so a relatively short time.  Add to that, the local removalists were fully booked except for Thursday and Friday last week.  Therefore, we had a mad pack of anything that was in or on furniture, so the removalists could do their stuff.  They did a marvellous job.

We are still packing the last bits and pieces before doing the big clean.  One week to go.  All good.

So, we are now living in town, in a small three bedroom house that we have owned for a while as an investment.  Timing worked out just right to enable us to do a bit of a renovation before moving in, without affecting any tenants.  We have lots of stuff packed away till we move into the house we are going to build, but we will be nice and cosy in the mean time.  I will even have a nice, light filled sewing corner.  I will share more with you once I get organised.

I have so much that I want to share from the last few months.  Blogging has taken a back seat to life for a little while, but that will all change once things settle down a little.  I will be doing a big catch up.


  1. Congratulations. Glad to hear things are going well. Moving is always stressfilled, no matter when or where!

  2. Hi Janice thats awesome news.xx

  3. Yay!! How exciting!! Congratulations. It's worked out well with the timing. What will happen to your chickens?

  4. Glad to hear all is going well!

  5. Congratulations on your sale and pleased you have a nice cosy home to live in while building.
    Have a lovely little Christmas once things have settled....

  6. Fantastic news Janice. Lots of excitement ahead for next year.

  7. well you better get that sewing spot sorted as I have a project for 2015 for you..........
