Sunday 28 September 2014

Sunday Morning

The weather this morning is glorious.

Unfortunately, Mick has to work but I have just been sitting on the verandah working on this.

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I do love it now the days are getting longer.  Even though Mick had a relatively early start, we had a nice breakfast together and I was then sitting outside stitching at just after seven o’clock in the bright sunshine.  I could justify this as we normally aren’t even out of bed at this time on a Sunday.  We had another frost this morning, but it quickly melted and the sun was warm on my back. 

Joey was also quite contented, sitting in the sun.

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One of our crab apples is the latest plant in our garden to wake up.  You can hear the bees humming in the blossoms.

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While I stitched there was a background soundtrack of early morning bird calls.  I think the whole bird world was celebrating this lovely day.  I either saw or heard all of these:

Magpie, currawong, chough, peewee, kookaburra, butcher bird, sulphur crested cockatoo, crimson rosella, eastern rosella, noisy miner, crested pigeon, willy wag tail, blue wren and robin.  Not too shabby for only about an hour.  I saw my first robin on Friday and there are a pair of them flitting around.  I do hope they nest. No, they won’t sit still long enough for a portrait.

OK! Now the binding is finished and a fresh little breeze has picked up, so I should get dressed, do the dishes, hang the washing and do a little tidy up so that I can enjoy the rest of the day.

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I’ll share the “Ta Da” moment when I have taken some photos.


  1. Sounds like a perfect Sunday morning....except for Mick being at work. It really is a beautiful time of year. Looking forward to the big reveal!

  2. What a wonderful way to start the day! I love your list of birds. You get a few that we don't. What a treat to have a pair of Robins visit. I'm sure they will stay, how could they resist such a pretty garden.

  3. What a fabulous morning to sit on in the sun and stitch down the binding.
    What a great array of birds you are lucky enough to have there...
    Is that the little quilt you were working on sometime ago?
