Wednesday 16 July 2014

Nice Bright Sewing

I’m still here, just hibernating during this bleak winter’s weather.  Far too much time has been spent sitting in front of the heater in the lounge room.

A few weeks ago, after spending far too much time looking at Pinterest I felt the urge to make a quilt – Now!  So, off I went to my little sewing area, which I will share with you shortly, and found  some nice, bright, cheerful fabrics in the stash. Twenty five of them, to be precise. Oh, and some white homespun.

June 2014 007

I then did lots of pressing and cutting.  Next was a little sewing.

June 2014 025

And some more cutting.

June 2014 026

Then some more stitching.  By the end of the afternoon I had this nice little pile.’'

June 2014 029

By then I was about stitched out, so I played on the floor until I settled on a layout.

The next day, while I was still enthused, I stitched all the blocks together.

June 2014 033

I must say that I am rather pleased with how it turned out.  The best bit is that I didn’t have to use my quick unpick once.  That would nearly be a first.

So far, everything came from the stash.  However, I thought a cute backing was required so had to go shopping.  I was finding it hard to pick anything, until I saw this fabric.  There was just enough on the roll.  Well, I think there is just enough. I haven’t double checked as yet.  If not, I’ll be able to wing it.  It’s a match made in heaven. Don’t the fabrics look lovely once they have all been folded properly, almost too pretty to put away….almost.

June 2014 036

Hopefully, I will get to finish it off this weekend and will have it in the gift box in plenty of time for a certain little one to be welcomed into the world in a couple of months time.


  1. Wow Janice this quilt is gorgeous and the backing just perfect,well done.xx

  2. What a lovely bright quilt for a wee one. With the fabulous backing it could even be reversible...

  3. A lovely quilt and the backing fabric is so cute, the colours are just perfect..

  4. Lovely quilt. Hopefully I'll find some inspiration today, going to help a first timer with some machine quilting. Hmm, better go find my walking foot!

  5. lovely quilt... repeat patterns are so effective and show up lovely fabrics... great backing ...

  6. Lovely Janice. Nothing better than when inspiration strikes and you have what you need on hand to create.

  7. Lovely! Will make a great present for some lucky person!

  8. What a fun top!! I know this May sound silly but those blocks look as though they are dancing. Lovely bright colours.

  9. woops found a saved post to comment on......I love the look of this quilt.........what sizes did you cut these????
