Saturday 3 May 2014

Making Progress


for sale sign

Yes, our home is now officially on the market.

We’ve been busy de-cluttering, sprucing up and deep cleaning.  As a result our house is looking beautiful.

Now we just hope that someone else also thinks it’s beautiful and wants to live here.

Meanwhile, it will be the tidiest it has ever been.  Maybe it should be on the market all the time.


  1. It's just like having visitors. Nothing like people coming through your home to give the cleaning mojo a lift.
    All the very best for the sale. Hang out for a good price. Someone will walk through the door and feel like they are home.

  2. An unusual hint that works well "just before" someone looks at your place... bake a batch of scones or biscuits so the smell goes thru the house and is very "homely"... When my home was on the market, I bought a candle that smelt like that and burnt it before I went to work on the days I couldn't cook before someone came.

  3. Good luck with the sale Janice , I'm sure it will all go very well and you will be living in that lovely new home ...before you know it .

  4. Good luck and hope it sells quickly for you.xx

  5. Good luck for a speedy sale in your favour xx
