Saturday 31 May 2014

Chookshed Party

Chookyblue is celebrating the Chookshed’s second birthday with a big party.


Lots of us are helping her to celebrate, some in person and lots more of us in spirit.

The girls who are with Chooky are having a ball, by the sounds of it…… and have even achieved a bit of stitching.

I haven’t had much time to join in today, as we’ve had a couple of open houses, but I’ve done a tiny bit of stitching tonight.

Yep, when all else fails, make a bib for the gift box.

May 2014 006

I did start to knit a wash cloth, but after dropping a stitch and not realising for a few rows, it now looks like this.

May 2014 007

Ready to start again.

I also had plans for a crochet project, only to realise that I’ve packed away all my crochet hooks…….Mind you, I haven’t wanted to use one for ages.  I’ll have to go digging for them.

Not to worry.  I have one little project for OPAM, so not a fail for the month, and hopefully tomorrow will be a day at home, so I’ll be able to help Chooky celebrate more then……….and have another go at the wash cloth.


  1. Oh dear, sorry about your knitting....maybe tomorrow. I have big plans to sew tomorrow too.

  2. Love your finish....have fun at the Chookshed....

  3. nice bib...did the wash cloth have another run yet???
