Tuesday 22 April 2014

A Visitor

We have been visited by lots of different birds this year.  Whether it is the season or the fact that our garden is becoming leafier, I don’t know.  I do know that I love it and my bird book is getting quite a workout.

On Sunday I heard a different bird call while I was hanging out the washing.  It was a definite whistle.  As usual, I went looking for the source.  I couldn’t see anything in the vineyard behind us, or on the sheds.  Eventually there was a small movement in the wattle tree.  To my surprise the culprit was  grey bird, about the size of a starling, but plumper.  For some reason I had expected a larger bird.  I watched it for a little while, and as it made no attempt to leave the tree went to get my camera.

It was still there when I returned, but hopped from limb to limb, higher and higher, so no photo. 

Then I heard a second bird.  They started to have quite a conversation and it had obviously also landed in the tree, as I could hear it hopping about. 

I crept around to the other side of the tree, expecting another grey bird.  To my surprise it was bright yellow……and sat still long enough for me to take a photo.

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I had never seen one of these before and had no idea what it was.

Out came my trusty Simpson and Day.

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After a bit of hunting I found them.

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A Golden Whistler.

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I hope they visit again, as they were rather lovely.


  1. what a pretty visitor Janice.xx

  2. I need to get myself a similar book. I was pretty good at the British birds, both sight and sound. Now I want to know who my new neighbours are.
