Thursday 30 January 2014

I’ve Got Mail – Lots of Mail

Before we went on our little trip south we prepared our next door neighbour to expect a couple of little parcels for me and I was duly advised of their arrival, so it was with a little bit of excitement that we received our bag of mail today, which contained not two, but three packages for me.  Happy dance.  There is nothing like parcels in the post.

The first one that I was expecting was from Peg.  I was one of the lucky ducks to have my name drawn out of the hat for December’s One Project a Month, so received a little package, beautifully wrapped.

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This is what was inside. Thanks Peg and Kris for an unexpected gift.  I just have fun joining in OPAM each year and have joined again for 2014.

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The second parcel I received was also one I was expecting.  It was the Australia Day Swap. I was delighted to discover that my swap partner was Tracy from Sunny Corner Farm.  I think she had as much fun as me coming up with little gifts for each of the letters.

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Mick decided to keep it real, taking a rather unflattering candid shot of my opening all the little parcels, on the verandah in the cool.  Very glam.

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This is what Tracy put together.  Zoom in to get a better look.

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A for Allsorts – Mick has announced that Tracy is now his new best friend.

U for Umbrella on a notebook.  Beautifully covered by Tracy.

S for Stationery and Stickers.  I’ll be right for those little notes now.

T for teatowel. Once again, beautifully worked and with a cute button.

R for ribbon.  I think we probably all chose that option.  This is super cute.

A for Apple notes.  This is even cuter than the ribbon.  I love things with apples, what with Mum coming off an apple orchard and all.

L for Lavender Soap, Lip Balm and Lotion Bar. – I’ll be all bootiful now.

I for Iced Vo Vos.  That is so clever.  I’d have never thought of it and Mick has already snavelled them for his lunch box.

A for Australian Afternoon Tea.  I had to laugh, as I had also included this in the parcel I made up.

To top it all off, there was a little card with highland cattle.  Even if I hadn’t seen who sent it all, this would have been a give away.  You should see the cute calves they have.

Thanks so much Tracy.  Also, thanks to Julie for arranging such a fun swap to kick off the year.

The third parcel I received was a bit of a surprise.  I had been warned by Loulee to look out for “a wee box” in the mail.  Well, there was a box, but I wouldn’t have called it “wee”.  Inside was a lovely collection of bits and pieces for my birthday. 

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There was a collection of charm squares cut by Lou from her fabric stash.  She is working on a “Chop Suey” rug.  I might have to make a “Chop Suey” quilt.  There was a cute flower pincushion, some buttons and bakers twine and a gorgeous little cross stitch hanger that Lou had made.  I’ll be keeping that to hang in a special place.

As you can see, it was like Christmas around here this afternoon.  All I can say is a very big thanks for all my lovely gifts.


  1. Great gifts!... thanks for joining this swap.. looks like we all had fun.

  2. Wow, you did have a fun afternoon. Lots of lovely goodies. Couldn't help but notice your fancy skirt. Did you make it? Happy Birthday too.

  3. Christmas again...LOL.......thanks Janice for being an OPAMer....

  4. That was a wee box, you should see the one that went to Faith and Kay!! LOL
    Glad you like your goodies.

  5. how fun to get all that mail....

  6. That's THE best kind of mail... isn't it. All fun items in the aussie swap too! :)
