Sunday 24 November 2013

Secret Santa on its Way

Once again I’ve joined in Chookyblue’s Secret Santa Christmas Swap.

Unfortunately, I missed getting it finished for Friday’s mail but it is ready to wing its way to somewhere tomorrow morning.

November 2013 150

It’s been fun participating in the swap again this year. I just wish that I was delivering the parcel in person.  Wouldn’t that be fun.


  1. someone else suggested they should deliver them too.........imagine the fun we could have then............

  2. I think that would be a fantastic idea too......might need to win lotto first though.....but if I do we'll all go!

  3. Totally agree about the delivery...looks great...

  4. Such pretty packaging... Wonder how we can organise a swap where it wouldn't cost US to deliver it in person :)

  5. Dear Janni, I can tell you that your gift made the long way to the Netherlands and it arrived just today on my doormat. I really love it. I can't wait to open the big present. THANKS from a rainy Netherlands, Caro
