Sunday 20 October 2013

I’m Still Here

I’ve had a couple of people contact me to check that I’m OK, as I’ve been quiet for a while.

Yes, all is good, just hectic.  I’ll do little catch up in the next few days.

I had a nice day today.

There is a vineyard over our back fence and they had an event “Art in the Vines” today.  There were stalls as well as artists sitting and painting in the vineyard.

A friend and I had a little stall. 

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Ann had her cushions and quilting.

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I had a few bits and pieces I had made as well as some vintage wares.

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Unfortunately, it was rather quiet and people weren’t wanting to buy hand made items, although I did sell a little few vintage pieces.  However, it was a lovely day to be out and about and there was lots of chatting.

On a more serious note, the bushfires, about an hour east of us, don’t seem to be letting up.  My thoughts are with all those affected and the firies who are doing their best in difficult conditions.

Bathurst was shrouded in smoke on Friday.  The other days haven’t been too bad as the wind has blown the smoke away from us.  Yesterday afternoon, there was a wind change.  It was clear in Bathurst, but out at our place we were in the smoke.  There was a definite line at the edge of the smoke, although the below photo I took on my way home doesn’t show it all that clearly.

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Once I had driven into the smoke it was like entering a different world.

October 2013 003

Here’s hoping the conditions over the next few days aren’t as severe as forecast and they can get on top of things.


  1. Good to hear you're still around. Craft stalls are very tricky, but nice to have an event over your own back fence.

  2. Fingers crossed that the weather changes and the fire fighters get some respite and a little help.
