Friday 25 October 2013

Here’s Cheers Chooky

I read earlier today that our friend Chookyblue was having “Drought Drinks” with her neighbours this evening.

Well, Mick and I thought that we’d join in.  Ours was a little simpler, but it was still lovely.

October 2013 001

Here’s cheers.

October 2013 002

We didn’t sit outside for too long though.  We are now back inside in front of the fire.  Minus 3 degrees C here this morning and tonight is going to be cold as well.


  1. Minus 3? (((Shiver)))
    I was in town in my shirt sleeves yesterday. No chance of that today though, the sky is crying!

  2. Cheers. It has been a bit chilly, but I don't think it will last too long.

  3. so nice you could join us..........we had a great time.........everyone was so pleased to come and enjoy a break from the crappy life on the land stuff.........we sat out in the garden for awhile but then it got a bit too cool and we went inside.......we didn't need a fire though......
