Sunday 19 May 2013

March Memories – Cumnock Show

Our Historic Car Club were invited to attend the Cumnock Show back at the beginning of March.  It is about an hour and a half from home.

March 13 079

A few of us thought this would be a good excuse to get out the bikes and have a weekend away.  In the end there were only three bikes, including two sidecars, but we had a great time.   We took Snubby the silver sidecar and camper trailer. We had visited the showground for our lunch break on the Orange Classic Motorcycle rally in February.

We love visiting little shows. They have such a community spirit, and Cumnock was a beauty.  There was a very strong horse section, as this is the last show in which you can gain points prior to the Royal Easter Show in Sydney.

March 13 026

The pavillion entries were strong, with lots of craft.

March 13 029

I loved this picture.  The patchwork is created from cut up children’s artworks.

March 13 033

The school kids had obviously been very involved.

March 13 032

There was the woodchop.

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We noticed that there weren’t any food stalls.  It turns out that the school caters for lunch, pretty much the same as when we attended on the bike rally.  What a well oiled machine.

March 13 041

If anyone went away hungry it was their own fault.  What a wonderful spread.

March 13 043

Apparently, the local footy club does a barbie for dinner.

After lunch a few of the locals adjourned to the bar – a true country classic version.

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There was a good collection of old cars on display, including some from our club.

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Of course, no show would be complete without kid’s entertainment.  There were no rides, but the clowns were a hit.  I think it was a case of “every child wins a prize”, as most kids seemed to be carrying around something.

March 13 025

After lunch there was the kids games, run by the local teachers.  It was like a massive birthday party with lots of games.  All the kids really got involved.  Our favourite was the marshmallow eating competition.  Six marshmallows were put on a plastic plate on the grass and coated in chocolate topping.  The kids were in teams and  had to run to the plate, eat the marshmallows off the plate, with no hands, and then run back to a finish line.  There were some very messy, chocolatey faces.


March 13 047

By now we were keen to head off for the rest of our ride. It was a lovely day for riding and the area was looking a picture.

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Mick and I had an agenda for our route.  Last year we had ridden in this area on the Dice Roll Run and had passed a deserted old church.  We wanted to return and take some photos.

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March 13 118

It was a lovely day for photos.

Our ride then took us on to Guerie over a pretty bridge.

March 13 125

To the pub……… was very hot riding along.

March 13 129

I think the locals in the bar thought I was a bit odd taking a photo of our beers, but they looked so cold and refreshing.

Our stop for the night was at the Wellington Caves caravan park. We have stayed there on several occasions before.  We decided on a civilised breakfast the next morning so found the local bakery.

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We had a fantastic couple of days away.  We were never far from home, but still had a nice long ride.  We should do it more often.


  1. That looks like loads of fun.

  2. Oh! the little Shows are always the best... and the home cooking..YUM!
