Tuesday 22 January 2013


I’ve been a rather slack blogger for the last month or so.  Yes, I’ve made a few posts, but I haven’t been commenting and worst of all, I haven’t been replying to comments.  I apologise, and should be able to get into the swing of things again, now that life seems to have settled back to a bit of normality after lots going on in the background over the last couple of weeks.


The other night we went out onto the verandah to be greeted by this little gathering.  They just sat and watched Mick while I went and got the camera to take their photo.  Eventually they casually hopped off  and with a big jump scaled the fence.

January 2013 Trip to Melbourne 081

When I went around to the other side of the house there were two more near the vege garden, one with a small joey in it's pouch.

You can tell that we don’t have a dog any more.


A couple of weeks ago one of our poor, neglected cacti put out a gorgeous flower.

January 2013 Trip to Melbourne MH 003

Just for one day…….and we were here to see it.

January 2013 Trip to Melbourne MH 005


I’ve finished my January projects for the Stitch-a-Long and will share pics soon.


The weather is cool and overcast here this morning, but I think it will heat up again this afternoon, the same as yesterday.  We did have a short reprieve over the weekend, but only had a tiny sprinkle of rain.  Not enough to measure.

I suppose it won’t be long until I’m whinging about the cold.  I just like the in between weather.  Not fussy am I?


  1. I love Spring and Autumn too. How fantastic to see that flower bloom when it only lasted one day. I never tire of watching the kangaroos, funny creatures.

  2. Hi Janice,

    I could easily ditto everything you wrote at the top of this post! Don't worry. I love browsing on your blog, you always have a great variety of things to read about and look at. Looking forward to catching up with you at Nundle.....

    Bec xxx

  3. I think this blog sums me up too lol, tis always good sometimes just to be on a go slow, except I havent started my SAL project yet lol

  4. Nice little visitors but I'm not sure you'd appreciate them near the vege garden.
    What an amazing flower and you SAW it :)
    Not long 'til Nundle now :)
    Are you and Mick coming again ???
