Tuesday 1 January 2013

Our New Years Eve

For the first time in I don’t know how many years Mick and I had a quiet New Year’s Eve at home.

After a hot, windy day, we sat out on the verandah as it started to cool down.  The birds came to life and some kangaroos appeared once the sting went out of the heat and the wind died away.  It was so nice just sitting there in the quiet watching and listening to it all.

We decided to have a barbecue dinner as the sun faded away leaving a lovely soft light.


Gradually, all the birds settled for the night and the roos hopped away, leaving everything quiet.

We listened to some nice music while watching as each star started to appear, one by one, until all of a sudden there were too many to count and the saucepan emerged from the dusk.

We are fortunate in that looking from our front verandah to the north we cannot see another house light, only an occasional car light on roads in the far distance.  I spotted two satellites (very rare, it is usually Mick that sees them) and Mick spotted a third, as well as two light planes in the distance.


By now the silence had been replaced by a chorus of many frogs.  We just sat there, taking it all in.

I had originally thought that I may watch the Sydney fireworks on the TV, now that we have one, but nature was putting on a much better show.

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s Eve, be it partying or just being quiet like us.  Wishing you a Happy New Year from Mick and I.



  1. Happy New Year... a lovely way to start...

  2. sounds like a lovely evening........we were at home as the boys have had a couple of big hot days.......but we were inside in the air con.....too warm......

  3. I think you had a perfect spot to see in the new year.....no crowds there! Hope you both have a great 2013.

  4. Wishing you well for 2013. We too had a quiet BBQ, just the 2 of us.

  5. Sounds as a lovely start for the new year. Very different from my New Years Eve. Two days before we had minus 18 degrees Celcius and on New Years Eve it was raining. No sitting on the porch for us, but we could see a lot of fireworks. Happy New Year!

  6. Happy New Year Janice & Mick xxx
