Saturday 6 October 2012

Visiting the Chook Shed

I can’t believe that it is a month ago that we made the trek to visit “The Chook Shed”. So much has been happening since then.

Anyway, I’ll tell you all about it now….

It was arranged that Deb and I would visit Chooky for the weekend.  Mick and I also happen to know Chooky’s neighbours through motorcycling as well as stitching, so Mick decided to tag along too.  Unfortunately, at the last minute, Deb was unable to come as life got in the way of things, as it sometimes does, so in the end it was just Mick and I.

We decided to take the Friday off work and take the scenic route, as we tend to do. The trip ended up taking about twice as long as it should have.  As usual, I was snapping photos as we drove along.  The canola was just gorgeous in the paddocks.

Chook Shed 20 Sept 2012 003

We stopped at Dunedoo to visit the White Rose Cafe, which I visited last November and share with you here.  We were disappointed to see that it is now very shut up shop.  Fortunately, all the lovely old original fittings are still there.

There was lots of wattle in bloom in the scrub.

Chook Shed 20 Sept 2012 005

Mendoorin is famous for the murals on the building.  This one is quite impressive.

Chook Shed 20 Sept 2012 008

One thing that I really wanted to do was to visit the Two Eight Two Eight Cafe and Gallery.  In the past it has been closed each time we have been in the area.  This time we were in luck.

Chook Shed 20 Sept 2012 024

I had to chuckle at the Loo sign.

Chook Shed 20 Sept 2012 022

The scenery is quite stunning out this way.

Chook Shed 20 Sept 2012 025

We took Mick’s dirt bike along with us.

Taggy Rug Sept 12 005

The crops were looking rather good.  Just needing some follow up rain to keep them going.

Taggy Rug Sept 12 007

Finally we reached our destination.  Chooky and I got stuck into the stitching straight away, with us both making some bibs.  You can see Chooky’s here.  She did a great job.

On Saturday, us girls spent the day stitching while the boys went exploring on their bikes. They had a great time.

Ian And Julies 001 

Mick bought a rather appropriate bottle of bubbles for us girls, except there only ended up being three of us.  We had a drink for Deb.

(Picture borrowed from Chooky, as mine didn’t turn out.)

I was really happy to finish my SKOW top and we made a start on choosing fabrics for Chooky’s and introducing her to blanket stitch on the machine.  You can read more about our weekend here. The three of us had a great time and all achieved quite a lot as well, despite all the chitty chatter.

Chook Shed 20 Sept 2012 055

This little chappy kept us company through the day.

Chook Shed 20 Sept 2012 035

On Saturday night we had a barbie and sat around the fire.  It was the perfect way to cap off a great day.

Taggy Rug Sept 12 029

The whole weekend was terrific.  It is so good to just get away from everything and spend time with good friends.  Thanks for having us.


  1. Aww looks like it was a wonderful adventure....soo sorry I missed it!!! Am reading to catch the next ride !!!

  2. Looks like you also had the best good is 2828

  3. Looks like a wonderful road trip, and visit with Chooky.

  4. Oh it looks like you had a great time, wish I lived closer! Brought back wonderful memories of our road trip to chookys!

  5. Oh Janice was great to have you visit......we got lots of sewing done.......and now I have my own quilt the pics you snapped......and yes next time Deb has to come life interruptions........
