Sunday 13 May 2012

An Autumn Day

Yesterday was a typical autumn day, cool and sunny, and we were actually at home, so Mick decided it was the perfect opportunity to take a photo of the two sidecars together, as he didn’t have one - “Snubby” the silver sidecar and “Olga” the old girl.

May 12 001

While we were at it I then just wandered around taking snaps of gorgeous leaves.

May 12 004

May 12 005

May 12 006

In the evening it got quite cool.  I normally read blogs in our office, but as the lounge room was so nice and snug I brought the tiny laptop out in front of the heater.

I’m glad I did, as I found a new use for it – it made a passable emergency torch when the lights went out on a very dark night.  We had a blackout for several hours.  Fortunately, we have a little generator, so were able to keep the fan going on the wood heater,( you don’t want the firebox to get too hot) and set up a table light, rather than relying on the kerosene lamp, whose wick was about ready for replacing – must do that before the next blackout. It ended up being rather lovely sitting in the darkened room in front of the fire.

May 12 011


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry about that - deleted my own comment twice. I love your autumn photos, they capture the beautiful colours. Your blackout evening looks quite relaxing.

  4. Love the pics and such a romantic evening with the lights out :)
