Friday 25 November 2011

Latest Happenings

I can’t believe it is nearly 2 weeks since I last posted.  Time has just flown.

There has been a bit more news with my Dad.  My aunt and uncle duly delivered Mum and Dad home safely last weekend with no further incidents.  However, he had more pain on Monday night which ended up with trip to Sydney for him.  He is now back home with a stent in one of his arteries.  Other than one blockage, all looked fine.  Here’s hoping that he will be all better now, once he gets his strength back.

In the middle of all these happenings I did manage to finish off a little secret sewing which is now winging it's way somewhere far away. 

November 2011 018

Phew!  I’d have hated for it to be late.

Tomorrow we and four other couples are headed off to Braidwood to the Airing of the Quilts.  We have all our fingers and toes crossed that the weather fines up. Mind you, we are looking forward to our weekend away regardless of the weather.


  1. glad to hear your Dad is home..........hopefully now all will be well........lovely parcel.........wonder where the SSCS sleigh will drop this one too..........

  2. Dad will be feeling heaps better very soon. It's amazing what a stint does.
    Have fun at the Airing.

  3. Best wishes to your Dad, hope all remains well and he makes a full recovery.
    Lots of quilty pictures from the airing please.

  4. No rain for us today...yet...have a great weekend pleased your Dad is Ok Janice...

  5. Glad your dad is back and so much better... it must have been a worrying time for you.... have fun at the Airing... I always love looking at quilts...

  6. Hope you get to would be fun. Hope Dad is recovering well.

  7. Glad your dad is home, hope he recovers quickly. Love the airing of the quilts at Braidwood - so cool seeing all the quilts on the buildings.

  8. Iy has just arrived on my doorstep and the ornament is beautifull. Thanks very much.
