Saturday 15 October 2011

More Collecting

Today I visited my favourite Church Fete that I’ve mentioned a few times before and we always seem to bring home a few treasures.  This time my favourite white elephant stall was down a bit on stock compared to previous years, but I still found a couple of things.

I have a few vintage egg cups and I love gollies, so was rather excited when I spotted this one.

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The other two items are just because they were cute.  I think the acorn would have originally been a sugar bowl with a lid and handle.

I was also a little excited when I spied these moulds.  I don’t collect jelly moulds, but seem to be getting quite a few lately. 

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I also picked up a few tatted doilies.  There were six that matched, but in different sizes.  It isn’t often that you see tatting. I couldn’t leave the lovely old tracing wheel (I already have a couple) and old curling irons are quite an unusual find.  Don’t ask me what I’ll do with them, because I’ve no idea.

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This diary was on the book stall.  I missed out on seeing the textiles section of the V & A while in London (it is being relocated to another building and won’t reopen until 2013 – very disappointing) so at least I can have a look at some of the items in here.

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So, while I’m doing a bit of show and tell, I’ll share my finds from our trip to Goondiwindi.

I found this little sandwich tray doiley at a country op shop.  It is in lovely condition, so I am thrilled with it.  I wonder if the lady who made it designed it herself, as the bottom writing is off centre.  It just adds to the charm.

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The following items were found in “Upcycled” at Bingara.  I know!  Another jelly mould and a cute cake tin.  The tiny spinning wheel pencil sharpener is for my Dad, seeing as he spins and is the Mr Fixit for spinning wheels around here.  The final item had me intrigued.  It was sitting on an old timber ironing board with a flat iron sitting on top of it.  I don’t know if it was designed as a mat for an iron, or just as a teapot stand.  It is a lovely old “make do and mend” item.  See the little bit of frayed edge.

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Now look closer.  What a clever idea.  It is quite old, as I pulled the bottle top out and it was for Leeds lemonade – remember that?  Not only is it an old variety, the lid is lined with cork.  I can’t remember that style of lid, so it is old.  It appears to be constructed by making individual bottle top covers and then sewing them together.  The back then has a triangular crocheted panel sewn to the top.

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I couldn’t believe it, when on the way home we called into a little craft shop and there was a bunch of grapes on the wall made using the exact same technique, but with thinner crochet thread and a felt backing.  To have never seen the technique and then to see it twice on the same weekend is quite amazing.  I’m glad I found the old version.

Back on the home front, Mick has started slashing our paddock today.  We don’t have any sheep on the place at the moment to keep the grass down, so we need to reduce the fire risk for the summer. 

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We don’t have a tractor, so he has the use of one neighbour’s tractor and another’s slasher.  We are lucky to have such wonderful neighbours.  He will be at it for quite a few hours to get it all done, but we will both be much happier when the job is completed.

With the better season  we are also seeing a much greater number of kangaroos.  Whereas, for most of the time we have been here we occasionally saw them in the paddock, and if so, a family of four.  Now it is unusual not to see them when in the car and the family has grown to six, and quite often we see several more and usually some joeys in amongst them.  Yesterday, they seemed quite happy to sit in next door’s paddock and have their photo taken.

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The one on the right doesn’t look all that big in the photo, but when he sits right up he would be well over six feet tall.  He is a big powerful looking fellow.

The only downside to all the roos around is that they often on the road and being hit.  Not a good outcome for the cars or roos.

I’ve no sewing to show, but I have made a bit of a start on the SSCS projects.  Once I decided what to make it was so much easier to get going on it.


  1. never quite know what you'll turn up here..........glad to here the SSCS mentioned.........get cracking........deciding is always the worst..........

  2. did find some wonderful treasures....

  3. I remember cork in the bottle tops! Isn't that such a clever thing to do with them?!

  4. Like Jenny, I remember cork in bottle tops. So they are not that old! ;-) Ingenious usage though.
    I was also disappointed that the textile section of the V&A museum was closed. I really did want to see their collection.That museum is incredible! So Janice, maybe you and I need to organise a visit when it reopens. Just a quick trip over and back. Pity it's not in NZ than we really could have had a quick trip to see it.

  5. That was an interesting read. What a hard case idea with the bottle tops. I well remember cork in them and Leeds brand...I think we may still have it in NZ.
    I found that section in the V & A rather dull and not as exciting as I expected.Other parts of the Museum were much more interesting.( Only saw a small part of it too )

  6. some great finds- love the jubilee crochet and the doilies. i wonder if people still make moulded jelly?

  7. Love the crochet trivet, my grandmother used to have some, she mainly used hers on the table with the teapot. The metal keeps the heat and the crochet stops the caps from stratching the table.
