Sunday 18 September 2011

The Week That Was and Whacky Weather

I seem to have quite a few odds and sods to tell you about today.

Firstly, I’ve been rather amiss in sharing a lovely parcel that arrived in the mail from Peg.  I was one of the lucky ones to win a prize in July’s OPAM draw.  I’ll have fun with these.  Thanks so much Peg and Kris

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I do love taking part in this challenge, as although my finishes are rather thin on the ground this year, apart from when we were away, there has always been a little something.  Without OPAM I don’t know if that would be the case.

Also, remember my “Spring” quilt block I made last week.  Well, I was lucky enough to win second prize.  First prize went to a block which had lots of beautiful stitchery, and was it was well deserved.  During the patchwork day at Spotlight they also had a few guessing competitions.  One was to guess the length of some strips of fabric all joined together.  It was about half the size of a Jelly Roll, so I guessed 27 metres.  It was in fact 31 metres, so I won that prize.  I was very lucky.  Here are my prizes.

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I’m not sure where I’ll use the fat quarters, but I know my niece will have fun with the butterfly yo-yo maker. The little rotating cutting mat is something I’ll really make use of.  It will be ideal for squaring up blocks and cutting charm squares. 

On Friday night we went with some friends to the O’Connell Amateur Dramatic Society’s Melodrama.  These are a fundraiser for the school and held biennially.  Our community is blessed with some very creative and talented people.  Two of the ladies write these hilarious and somewhat risqué melodramas.  They are held in the local church hall over two weekends and tickets sell out in about an hour.  Last weekend would have been wickedly cold, but this weekend was much better. We all had a great time.

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As you can guess, this was Mick’s favourite scene.

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We were supposed to go to a motorcycle rally at Tottenham this weekend, but at the last minute Mick had to work.  However, in the end it was only for Saturday, so we were able to go along on the Historic Car Club run for a picnic in a farmer’s paddock.  Sorry, I forgot to take photos – too busy nattering. This was our first ride on Olga since we came home. She is certainly running a lot better, but it was evident that she still needed a bit of tweaking. So, when we got home Mick changed the oils and did a bit more fiddling.  She is slowing getting better. I secretly think that Mick is just enjoying the tinkering.

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While Mick was playing in the shed, I planted these. A bit late getting them in, but they should be nice and bright in summer. 

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Our few vege seeds I planted a while ago are doing nicely too.  They were from seeds that were in the bottom drawer for several years.  I put them in thinking that if they come up well and good, if not, nothing is lost.

I can’t believe the difference in the weather, compared to last weekend.  Last Sunday reached a maximum of 8 degrees C, today it was 28 degrees C!  Try figuring that one out.  I dare say there will be at least one more relatively cold snap before we are through.


  1. You have been lucky to receive some lovely goodies Janice.
    So nice you were able to go for a ride on Olga.
    Hope you gagies grow beautifully for you.
    Our weather is the oppisite to you. Beautiful last Sunday and wet and cold today.

  2. Our weather is similar. Lots of ups and downs.
    This afternoon and evening were very warm. The best treatment for my aches and pains is to let the warmth of sunlight play on my back and hips.
    Mum has a great crop from her tiny back yard. Today I prepped and froze carrots and beetroot. I hope your vegges do as well.
    ((Hugs)) for you both. XX

  3. Hate tis indecisive weather...looks like lots of lovely fun at your place!

  4. Maybe Olga just needs a rest?
    Glad your weather improved; I am hoping ours will too. We often get just what you have had in our weather, but a week later.
