Saturday 5 March 2011

Our Saturday

Can you believe it – we both were home all day today.  What a wonderful change.  It will be the last for a while, though.

Mick has been playing with Olga.  She is just about ready to head off on her holiday on Thursday.

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She comes up rather well with a bit of spit and polish. The final packing will happen tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I tackled the fun job of defrosting the freezer.  Oooh, it needed it!  It is such a good feeling to get that out of the way.  It would never do for the house sitter to have to put up with how it was.

As a result, I had to stay fairly close, so it was a good chance to have a morning of cooking.  I don’t know how long it is since I’ve done that.  Firstly I made the old favourite, Raspberry Coconut Slice.  It is always yummy.

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Then I made a big batch of Spaghetti Bolognaise.  It smelt so good while it bubbled away.  That is a few quick meals taken care of.

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I also made a big pot of Sweet Potato and Red Curry Soup for lunch and a couple of extra meals. (I forgot to take a photo.)  I don’t do hot curry, but this recipe is just so flavoursome.  Since I discovered the recipe in “Delicious” magazine last winter it has become a firm favourite.

It was also the perfect washing day, nice and sunny but quite breezy.  There was plenty to catch up on after last weekend away.

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The weather has turned decidedly autumnal over the last few days.  The temperature got down to only 6 degrees yesterday morning with a definite nip in the air and the days have only reached the low 20s.  It is nice to not be too hot or too cold to be doing things.  This is my favourite time of the year.

It is also the time when I start to think of knitting. While I was waiting at the check out at the supermarket through the week I noticed the latest edition of Better Homes and Gardens, or more importantly, the knitting book attached.  I don’t know if they’ve had these for the last few years, but they were always good in the 80s and 90s, so it just happened to jump into my trolley.

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The pattern I’m itching to start is the frilly scarf.  I think it may become a lunchtime project.  I’ve seen these around, but haven’t had a chance to find a pattern.  I do hope it is easy.  I think I may even have some suitable yarn hiding somewhere.

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I hope you had a great Saturday as well.


  1. Phew! What a busy day. I'm tired just reading that.
    Going to share any of those recipes?

  2. Your autumn day sounded just 'perfik'! You'll never guess, but I also bought that same magazine yesterday for the knitting booklet! LOL! I know it's too hot to wear knitted items up here but that same frilly scarf really caught my eye...and then there are those gorgeous knitted wrap/cardies...I just have to make SOMETHING from the booklet. ;-)
    Olga is so pretty, all waiting to head off to new adventures in Europe. Mick is actually looking like the proud papa, you know...

  3. I love home days!!!! Your slice looks so yummy:)

  4. What a change to have a day at home... I'm wishing for one of those soon too. I'm sitting here stitching and plan to be here 'til lunch time. (I hope)

  5. A lovely autumn day for you.
    You know, your washing almost looked like an Amish washing line, great photo!
