Monday 21 March 2011

Girls Day in the Country

I had the best time on the weekend at Nundle. This had been in the planning for nearly twelve months, so it was wonderful to have it actually come to fruition.

As this was my first adventure to GDITC, it was so nice to be taken under the wing of a few of the girls.  Everyone was so very friendly and welcoming.  I didn’t feel like a stranger at all.

This is our table ready to start for the day.

Nundle March 2011 007

We each received a cute mug and fabric envelope holding our kits.

Nundle March 2011 009

Then Kerry, who did a sterling job in organising everything so well, introduced us to our guest tutor Anni Down of Hatched and Patched.  I found it quite funny going all the way to Nundle for my first ever class with Anni, whose shop is two blocks away from where I work.

Nundle March 2011 011

We had a choice of three projects.  This cute wall hanging. I love the muted colours.

Nundle March 2011 027

A chatelaine using some of the smaller stitcheries.

Nundle March 2011 030

Or a purse using woollen fabrics.  The design was inspired by English quilts which had random appliqué on them.

Nundle March 2011 036

Nundle March 2011 038

I chose to have a go at the purse, but it isn’t finished just yet.  I think I talked too much and wandered off too often.  Fancy that!  I ended up rushing at the end and am not happy with the way it was coming together, so I will do a little reverse stitching, sew it properly and then I’ll be much happier with the finished product.

There was a show and tell of projects that girls had made using Anni’s patterns.  This was beautifully made and even hand quilted.  I saw the stitching up close and it was just perfect.  I’m extremely in awe of Sandy’s workmanship.

Nundle March 2011 040

I have more to show, but that can wait until tomorrow. Just to finish off, here is our little home away from home.  It was tiny, but cosy and very friendly. It was even dubbed Cafe #7.  We definitely didn’t go hungry.

Nundle March 2011 006


  1. Great pics of a great day Janice. Great to catch up in Cafe #7....
    Make my reservation for next year please xx

  2. Lovely photos, Anni has some beautiful designs and that Angel Story quilt looks gorgeous!

  3. Great to see was so much fun!

  4. I have read some of the other posts and siunds like you all had the best time.

    so many wonderful projects to look.

  5. Glad you enjoyed yourself! Was great to meet you.

  6. Naw, you couldn't possibly have talked too much! LOL
    Looks like fun.

  7. Sounds like you all had a great time... it is fun reading so many of you that were there and seeing the pics....

  8. Soooo Jealous... I so would have loved being there...:o)
    Thanks for showing all the fun and the wonderful things you could make!!! :o)

  9. some more great pics..........i didn't hear about cafe 7........great to see you again..........funny how people you have never met are such wonderful friends........

  10. It was so nice to meet you Janice and spend the day chatting and stitching together. I do hope we can do it again next year.

    Your purse will be finished in a wink. It was almost done and it was looking great.

  11. Hi Janice, So glad that you had a wonderful time at your Retreat up at Nundle. If you remember I met with you recently at the Oberon swap meet. I could not believe when reading your post and looking at the photos that the cabin that you stayed in is the cabin we stay in every Easter.
    I don't think crafts people especially quilters are ever strangers. These women seem to just click and you come home thinking you have known them all for years.
    (((HUGS))) Roz

  12. It was great to meet so many of you blogging ladies at GDITC. Lovely photos on tour really was a fantastic weekend....
