Tuesday 14 December 2010

Tuesday Treasure – Christmas Card Book

I just finished sending out our Christmas cards yesterday and one of my treasured possessions was brought into service.

In the mid 80s I attended some craft classes.  We learnt all about fabric covered photo frames and albums. It was just as Mick and I were setting up our home and life together and this was one of my creations.

December 2010 083

It has seen constant use over the years and is starting to show its age.

As you can see, the finish wasn’t the greatest, but that doesn’t matter.

December 2010 085

I’ve mainly used the Christmas Card Lists at the back.

December 2010 091

I filled up the years initially and then removed those pages and started again.  They ran out in 2008 and I didn’t enter anything last year, although I sent out cards.

December 2010 089

Looking back over the entries is a trip down memory lane.  There are the relatives, the wonderful friends, some who over the years have become what I call “Christmas Card Friends”.  We very rarely catch up, but there is always that connection at Christmas time.  There are old work colleagues, who as time has passed have drifted in different directions and are no longer in contact.  There are some that we never receive a card from, but always like to send one to.  This year I am also finding that a few on my list have now passed on, so it is also a time of reflection.

Because I am such a hoarder, in a box somewhere, there is a blank book that I bought at the same time as this one.  I will get it out and make a cover for it, in a more contemporary style. Some names will sadly not be carried over, but it will chart the next part of our life.

Pop over to Melody’s to see what other treasures are being shared this week.


  1. This is a wonderful treasure and as you say must bring back so many memories. Thank you for sharing

  2. That is a very cool treasure. It must be so interesting looking back over those names and contemplating the people who have come in and out of your lives. Very interesting :-)

  3. How wonderful to have a record of christmases past. And now you can continue the tradition when you make your new book.

  4. Hello Janice,

    Oh this sounds like my address book. I won't throw that out either.
    Christmas is a time that memories really come into play.
    Happy Tuesday.

  5. What a great way to look back on life as it has happened for you and your family ,wonderful treasure.

  6. A great treasure Janice and very organised too.

  7. That is a true treasure, Janice...
