Monday 20 December 2010

Making Christmas Gifts

I actually made a gift for each of my nieces this year.

These little pop-over sundresses should be nice and cool to wear (if ever we get any summer weather).  The pattern comes from Oliver + s and is one that they share for free. They were so quick and easy to make. I’ve also popped in a little white t-shirt to wear under the dresses for those cooler days.

The pink one for my seven year old niece was made from my stash.  The main fabric was actually left over backing from a quilt I made for her first birthday. The ric rac trim on both of them is as old as the hills from Mum’s stash.

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After I made the blue dress for my three year old niece I have learnt that she loves butterflies and has just started to only wear dresses and skirts so that she can twirl like a princess.  Phew!  I think I might have got this one right.  Funnily enough, I had also bought a “Princess” colouring book for her.

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This is the first time I have made clothes for them as I never know what size to make, so hopefully I have got it right.

We are back into nearly winter clothes yesterday and today.  It is freezing! Our minimum was 5 deg C this morning.  That’s crazy.  Also, we had another 21mm of rain over the weekend, which followed 70mm in just half an hour on Tuesday.  Our driveway is a mess.  Poor Mick is trying to fix it up enough for family to come down it (and then get back up) on Christmas day.  Just what he didn’t need at this time of year.


  1. I'm sure your neices will love their dresses...they are so lovely!

  2. The dresses are so pretty.... we got a good soaking too - I was hoping it would mean Hubz couldn't get to work.... no luck - I'll have to do the housework myself!

  3. How delightful, am going to make one for my grand daughter over the Christmas break, thanks for the link :) Good luck with your weather, here in Christchurch we're sweltering in 33+ deg humid sticky heat. Hope the family can make it up and down your driveway, for a glorious Christmas xx

  4. Cute dresses! I am sure they will be a hit with your neices.
