Thursday 2 December 2010

Healing Hearts & The Big Wet

In response to the recent tragic mine disaster in New Zealand Shirley has requested that quilters around the world prepare blocks for “Healing Hearts” quilts.  There has been an overwhelming response and I will be sending off my little contribution today.

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Hopefully the resulting quilts will give some comfort to the families of the miners.

On the home front it has been quite damp.  Mind you, nothing compared to out west which has been seriously wet.  We have only had just over 4 inches. However, as everything is already soaked and the local water supply full there is water lying everywhere.

I can drive to town by two different routes, both about the same distance.  Yesterday morning the local radio was announcing that there was water over the road on the way I normally travel, but didn’t say how deep or if the road was closed, so I went the other way.

December 2010 001

There was water over the two causeways that needed crossing.  This one had a few people stopped, but once my next door neighbour in the ute went through with no trouble I followed.  I don’t think the silver car was going to cross. We generally use the rule of thumb that if the water is no deeper than 20cm we cross.  It was right on 20cm.

There was quite a bit of panic in town during the day with predictions that the roads near the river would be closed and as a result many people headed home early so as  not to get caught, with shops closed and production at factories stopped.

We are lucky that there is also a third road that we can use to get home which, although it is dirt, doesn’t have any causeways.  Some of our neighbours came home that way.

I stayed at work, and by the time I had finished and then done the groceries I was able to drive home the way I came to work with no dramas at all. 

It didn’t rain last night, so hopefully there will be no further flooding worries in our local area.

1 comment:

  1. saw all your flooding on the news last night.......good to hear your fine..........
