Tuesday 23 November 2010

Tuesday Treasures – with Melody

After thinking that last week would be the end of “Tuesday Treasures” I was delighted to hear that Melody from The House on the Side of the Hill has put her hand up to continue this great game.

I had to have a little think as to what to include this week and came up with this quirky little piece.

November 2010 004

It is titled “Tea for 3 at the Quilting “B””.  Mick gave it to me for Christmas a few years ago.

I spotted it in a little shop in Richmond and commented on it.  We were with another couple at the time and I was carefully ushered out of the shop to go a look at “girly” shops without the boys and they would catch us up.  Funnily enough, the boys arrived with our mate carrying a bag and no explanation.

November 2010 003

I wasn’t at all surprised when I opened the gift on Christmas day, but I love the fact they all went to so much trouble to make it a “Surprise”.

November 2010 005 
It is such a cheery item to have sitting on the bookshelf.  Another of Mick’s very thoughtful gifts.

Pop over to Melody’s to see who else is playing this week.  I think she may even have a little surprise for some lucky person.


  1. That's a really cute ornament....such a lot of character in it....

  2. Hi Janice, what a wonderful 'surprise'. It is a very cute and cheery item. Thank you so much for being the first person to leave your details with Mr Linky. It is a relief to see that it works. Good luck in the pressie draw.

  3. I love that your husband made it such a "surprise" and got his mate to carry it .. lol ... so sneaky!

  4. That is just so sweet! I've never seen anything like it.

  5. Hello Janice, It is so cute and what a special way it was given to you. Gotta love that.
    Happy days.

  6. That is so sweet. I love the cat with it's cup of tea. toni xxx

  7. What a lovely item and such a sweet gesture from your husband. I can suggest and admire and even tell my husband until the cows come home what i like but he still doesn't get it :-)

  8. what a gorgeous ornament.
    Sorry to hear about your furry boy, how sad.
    Enjoyed your other treasures post with your special quilt made by your nanna. just wonderful

  9. I love it , I have never seen anything like this before but it sure is sweet .Thanks for sharing .

  10. What an absolutely gorgeous ornament and such a thoughtful hubby to buy it for you.

  11. Oh Janice, this is just gorgeous!!! You have the most amazing things and what a sweety Mick is to find you such a special gift...

    Just thought I'd let you know that I tried commenting on the post before this aswell but it wasn't working...

    I love the roses especially the single petaled one...

    The picture of the roses mick picked for you is gorgeous and that slight glimpse into your amazing home is wonderful...
    I'm so envious of you and all your whimsical treasures...

    Hugs - Jodie :)
