Tuesday 24 August 2010

Tuesday Treasures

It’s that time of the week again.  This time I thought I would deviate from sewing stuff and share one of my other loves – books.

We have lots and lots of books.  There are bookcases everywhere in our house, but my treasure lives in this one.  The photos aren’t the best as it is another grey old day here.

August 2010 003

When my Aunty Rose visited us some years ago she was browsing the shelves and noticed I have quite a few of the “Billabong” series by Mary Grant Bruce.  Shortly thereafter, a parcel arrived enclosing this volume.

August 2010 005 

They say that writing on the fly leaf reduces the value of a book, but for me this makes it so very special.

Muriel was my Dad’s aunt.  She died when I was about 10 and I never met her.  I did however receive my first inheritance from her estate. I was given her embroidered handkerchief sachet full of beautiful hankies.

Anyway, I digress. 

The book was then passed down to my Aunty Rose who is also my godmother and she has now passed it on to me.  I hope that one day one of my nieces will appreciate this little book as well.

August 2010 007

Pop over to Clare’s to see some more Tuesday Treasures.


  1. Isn't that funny - to me, having a handwritten inscription inside actually makes it more valuable. It's gives the book a history and a story. I hope it stays in your family forever and ever.

  2. That is beautiful ! I have been lucky enough to pick some up from Vinnies because my mum loves them . Thanks so much for playing !

  3. I absolutely love books, and like you, I have them in bookcases everywhere you look at home. You have a wonderful collection of gorgeous old books and I can understand why today's treasure is so special

  4. Janice, I agree with Curly-pops I think an inscription inside a book adds more value because of the special person that would give you such a treasure. Happy reading.
    (((HUGS))) Roz.

  5. Lovely treasure - I like the idea of an inscription which helps document the life of the book.

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Janice, me too...I agree with Curly-pops I think an inscription inside a book adds more value and makes it more special..
    Julia ♥

  7. Books are certainly a great treasure. I love books too and have them everywhere. Your old books are wonderful.

  8. I always love an inscription - gives the book some personality and meaning.... I think I would have fun browsing that bookcase too.... Hugz

  9. How lovely! Books are a treasure to me too, and this is a great one - and even more special because of the writing. Gosh I'd love to come browse your bookshelves!

  10. It was just lovely catching up with your posts Janice. Your projects for the August Early Bird program are lovely...as always! Well done.
    Kind Regards
