Tuesday 10 August 2010

Tuesday Treasures – Granny Johnson

Continuing on from last Tuesday’s nostalgic post I thought I would share some sewing related treasures that I have been lucky enough to be given that were Granny Johnson’s.  Granny Johnson (my Dad’s mum) died when I was a baby, so I have no recollection of her.

This photo was taken when Kathleen Amy Garland, as she was then, was eighteen. She went on to marry and raise 9 children.

Granny Johnson aged 18

Here she is again much later in life, more the “Granny Johnson”. I can see the family resemblance of my aunts in her.

Granny Johnson

Two of my aunts, Aunty Jess and Aunty Doreen, never married and they gave me a few family bits and pieces.  When I was five Aunty Doreen gave me Granny Johnson’s work basket and needle book.  It was used to store my sewing when I was little, but for many years now has been my hankie box.  It may not have been her main work basket, but it is very old and I treasure it.  I have seen several needle books like this one, and when I look closely, it was a free gift with an edition of Woman’s Realm.

August 2010 007

When I think about it, I can’t imagine a five year old appreciating a gift like that.  I think I was a funny little girl, very sentimental.

As I got older, I started collecting interesting thimbles.  Aunty Jess learnt of this and gave me this beautiful specimen.  You can’t see it all that well in the photo, but there are holes all around it from much use.  The engraved monogram is “FJ”. This belonged to Fanny Johnson, who was my Dad’s paternal grandmother, so is probably well over 100 years old.  There are initials “J.F.” as the maker, which is James Fenton of Birmingham, who was a famous thimble maker.

August 2010 006

So what about Granny Johnson’s handiwork.

Somewhere along the line, while still a teenager, my aunts gave me two jug covers worked by her.  This one is quite heavy with all the beautiful beading.  The other one has the tiniest jug crocheted in the centre, but a bead has come off, so it is packed away safely until I fix it one day and I can’t put my finger on it this morning.

August 2010 011

Then, when Mick and I got engaged this arrived in the post.

August 2010 009

The tissue paper has faded now, but it was blue twenty five years ago.  As you can see, I’ve never used it, but what a wonderful thing to receive as an engagement gift.  The workmanship is so very fine.

August 2010 015

Next week I will see what I can find from Mum’s side of the family.

I’m so enjoying “Tuesday Treasures” and having a closer look at what I have stashed away.  Yes, I am the world’s biggest hoarder. 

Pop over to Clare’s to see what other treasures are being shown off.


  1. Gorgeous treasures Janice. I love milk jug doilies and the crochet doily is so delicate.
    How lovely of your aunts to gift you these things.

  2. You Aunts must have known you were going to appreciate all the hand worked treasures. They are beautiful and that thimble is so precious.

  3. Your aunts obviously knew you would treasure these things and appreciate them. Love the beautiful doily. The milk jug cover is lovely with all the little beads.

  4. What a great post full of wonderful treasures and mementos. Thanks so much for showing these .

  5. Janice...what a lovely story and how lucky are you to have all those gorgeous treasures...

  6. Just beautiful Janice. How wonderful you have these treasures. I love the beautiful work in the doily and the jug cover. AND the thimble is soooo special.

  7. You show lovely treasures and I like the stories behind them very much. Thanks for sharing.

  8. your treasures are so lovely. Milk jug covers are just divine. I have really enjoyed your Treasure story to day. Thanks.
