Tuesday 27 July 2010

Tuesday Treasures

Today I thought I’d share some lovely little brooches that I have.

The gorgeous little bluebirds were my Mum’s when she was little, so they date from the 30s.  She very kindly passed them on to me when I was little, so I’ve had the use of them, more so than Mum when I think about it.

The little gold brooch is my baby brooch given to me by Granny Johnson.  She died when I was eight months old, so it is very special.

July 2010 003

The next brooch has a lovely story.  Just before I did the Higher School Certificate exams in the early 80s I received a little package in the  mail from my Aunty Jess.  She is Dad’s eldest sibling and is still going strong at 94.  It was her mother who gave me my baby  brooch.

This little box was nicely wrapped up with a little note attached.

July 2010 009

I still have the note but just can’t put my finger on it this morning.  Anyway, I know it off by heart.  This is what it said.

                   “ Luck is pagan

                    Faith is Christian

                    So have faith and do well in the HSC.”

Isn’t that just so nice.

This is what was inside the box.  Isn’t it gorgeous.

July 2010 010

And this was inside that box.

July 2010 011

To reveal this.  This is Aunty Jess’s baby brooch. Apparently it had a pearl in it originally.  I don’t know what the little red stone is. I just thought that was the loveliest thing to receive. 

July 2010 007

And, yes, I do wear all of them at times.  I’ll wear Aunty Jess’s today as it looks so nice on the blue jumper.

Pop over to Clare’s to see more Tuesday Treasures.


  1. Such beautiful treasures. I have a little name brooch which is very similar to the one in the top photo, which I've had since I was really little. I must try to find it!

  2. Oh wow they are really so special and such lovely memories . Thanks for playing .

  3. Oh Janice, it seems we're twinnies at times.
    I have a precious little bluebird too (single) and my baby brooch somehwere.
    Yours are beautiful!!

  4. Beautiful brooches and so special! I've got one too, I'll have to find it for next weeks post. Isn't it fun sharing your treasures!

  5. Your little brooches are so beautiful. It's a shame baby brooches aren't in fashion today. Maybe today's babies would sue if they pricked themselves!

  6. Once again Janice such lovely treasures...

  7. These are so beautiful and such special stories to go with them..... Hugz

  8. How precious!!! And I think it's great that you still wear them too :o).
    Joy ;o)

  9. I, too, have a single bluebird and also a baby brooch. Maybe I should be like you and wear them, instead of leaving them in the bottom of my jewellery box.

  10. Beautiful brooches!!!! lovely stories .

  11. Your brooches are beautiful. I must dig out some of my brooches from when I was little to show next Tuesday.. I've still got my baby bracelet too. I especially love the blue birds. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Your brooches are beautiful and real treasures , thanks for sharing .The stories behind each one makes them even more special .

  13. Oh Janice!!!! I love all of them especially the way you told the story about the 3rd one... You sure do have some amazing treasures, I am definitely going to have to come for a visit one-day so you can show me a few of them... :)

    Hugs - Jodie :)

  14. REAL Treasures for sure, something that can be admired each time you wear them.

  15. Such exquisite treasures, Janice...you have been blessed indeed. :-)

  16. I love that little bluebird brooch that belonged to your Mum!
