Monday 3 May 2010

First Finish for May

When the Narromine girls came down to Bathurst to visit Anni’s shop I bought a flex frame, knowing that I wanted to have a go at making the Puffy Pouch following Pink Penguin’s tutorial.

Last night was the night to try it out.  The tutorial was really easy to follow and the pouch was nice and quick to make. You can use velcro as the closure if you don’t have a flex frame.


I love the way the black and white has worked.  I lined it with a vintage fabric Mum gave me somewhere along the line.


It would also be nice with a natural linen as the main fabric and something bright peeping out of the pleats.

Who knows what I will use it for, maybe carry threads for a project?   It was fun to make and that is all that matters.


  1. Wow, that turned out nicely. Pink penguin has some great tutorials, doesn't she. The lining fabric is great!!!

  2. This is really cute Janice!

  3. That is so cute, Janice! I love the vintage lining, it sort of pops out as a surprise inside against the black and white outside. :-)

  4. Just lovely..I really like it in your darker colour! They are a bit addictive, think I ended up making 4!

  5. Now Janice, that is just TOO cute. Who cares what your going to use it for, you just had to make it. Beautiful....

  6. Love your puffy purse, and the flex frame looks fantastic!
