Sunday 14 February 2010

Flea Market Finds


We’ve had the most glorious wet week.  In town they have had quite a bit more rain than us, but we are still really happy with what we have received.

This is what the driveway has been like for the last few days.

2010_0214February0003 As a consequence, we abandoned the idea of having a stall at the Newbridge Swap Meet today. Unfortunately, they were as good as washed out because it rained nearly all last night.

We had a bit of a sleep in this morning, and when it stopped raining decided to go out for the drive anyway.  At least that way they would get some money on the gate and sell an egg and bacon roll and coffee.  There were only a handful of stalls, but still a few people having a wander around.  There was a good representation from our Historic Car Club which was good to see.  Most of us seemed to bring something home. It remained dry for the time we were there.

Mick found two intriguing things and when he showed me he announced “Blogerize That”!  Therefore, here are Mick’s purchases.

2010_0214February00252010_0214February0035Do you have any idea what they are?  I’ll explain shortly.

I made two little purchases as well.

2010_0214February0027There was just this one pattern.  “Misses Centennial Costume with Pantalets”.  It is quite old as the price is 9/6.  It says it is a size Medium 14-16.  A size 16 has a 28 inch waist.  I’m a size 12 and my waist is definitely larger than that!  Therefore, I don’t think I’ll be making it for me.

2010_0214February0023This little 54 piece jigsaw is of a Cezanne painting from the Musee d’Orsay in Paris.  It is a nice little reminder of the paintings we saw in Canberra, all from the Musee d’Orsay including several Cezanne's.  We had 50c worth of fun putting it together.

Back to Mick’s purchases.  We knew what the first one was as Mick bought another one out there a couple of years ago.  It is a big safety pin that was used many years ago to temporarily close wheat bags before they were sewn up by hand.  Mick’s Dad can remember his father using them.  We reckon that would be a good mystery object on “The Collectors” TV show. 

The other is this:

2010_0214February0031A little folding music stand.  But I will use in in the kitchen.

2010_0214February0033Here it is holding my old cook book that I’ve had since primary school.  I think it will be a great recipe book holder, even if it looks well worn.

This afternoon, as it has been bleak, I got out my gem irons again and made some gem scones.

2010_0214February0029The recipe comes from the good old Commonsense Cookery book that we used in home science at school.  Mine is starting to fall apart, but it is still the best reference for the basics and those old fashioned recipes.  Mick and I enjoyed them at the kitchen table with a nice cuppa while listening to the rain.  You can’t get much better than that.  

Pop over to here to see what other lovelies people have found this week in Flea Market Finds.


  1. Ok, I am seriously jealous of your Rain! Mildura is, to say the least, dry. And then to see that music stand, so quaint and handy and the pattern! I love period costume! Oh, I search the patterns every op shpo and market but I normally only see early 80's atrocities to style.
    Love the blog, I'll be following you from now on!

  2. Hello,
    Thank-you for popping over and visiting my blog. I really appreciate it.
    Scones and tea in the rain sounds lovely....well not in the rain, while it rains. It's really interesting how pattern sizes have changed over time. Great finds. Melinda xo

  3. Here in mid-Missouri we know storm clouds.
    And what you have ARE storm clouds.
    Great Photograph ! ! !
    Congratulate Hubby his finds ARE BLOGERIZE-ABLE !
    Splendid McCall's pattern.
    Are we going to see the Pantalets that you are going make? ??
    [also participating in No Strings Attached]

  4. i love the idea of using the music stand as a recipe stand, it's great. and the metal looks so nice and old. i might steal that idea!

    the wet road looks lovely from over Mildura way!

    i hope to start to do some more touring on the bike with my partner too, do you ever make it over this way?

  5. The dress pattern is really lovely! I love the photos of your rain clouds too, to think that rain is looked forward to when it always rains in good ol' Blighty!xx

  6. Oooh, lovely lovely rain :o)!!! We've had some good falls up here too, what a welcome sight, and more coming this week hopefully :o)!!! Love your swap meet goodies, that 'safety pin' is fabulous!! If we lived closer I'd be there to help you polish off those gem scones too, yummm!!!
    Joy :o)

  7. I think I have forgotten what rain feels like! We are smack bang in the middle of Vintage so the vignerons would be most unhappy with the kind of rain you have experienced! I too remember the big bag pins! Your gem scones look so yummy, I was almost inspired enough to leap up and firw up the oven ... almost!~

  8. Mmmm, gem scones, rain, and a Cezanne jigsaw. Blossom would have come to join you...(and I'd tag along too!).

  9. Oh wow, so many lovely things! Rain, scones, lovely patterns and a jigsaw puzzle! Sounds like my kind of weekend. I hope it was fabulous. Thanks so much for playing.
    Sophie x

  10. I got the music stand!! :-)
    But not the giant pin!

    We've had plenty of rain too.

  11. So glad to hear you gtting some of this lovely rain...

    Great swap meet finds, I'm loving the puzzle and you're right, that big safety pin would be awesome on collectors you really should send it in..

    Take Care
    Jodie :)

  12. definitely the best vintage finds day ... the big safety pin is amazing and you should send it in to collectors.

  13. Very ominous looking clouds, great photo.
    Mick had some very interesting finds at the swap. I like how you are using the music stand as a recipe book holder.
    Your gem scones look delish! A nice way to spend a rainy sunday.

  14. A love the pattern for the costum.I was one a museum in Oslo latly looking at several like this for our royal family. Gorgeouse.
