Sunday 13 December 2009

It’s Starting to Feel Like Christmas

I’ve been somewhat slow in getting into the Christmas spirit this year.  If anyone asks if I’m all organised I’ve been replying that “I’m in denial”!

However, yesterday was our work Christmas party and today was the Historic Car Club party, so I’m feeling a bit more in the spirit.  We won’t be having everyone at our house this year on Christmas day, but yesterday a couple of us dressed the table at the party venue and I used all my bits and bobs, so they didn’t just stay buried in a box this year, so that was nice.

Last night I finally made the decorations to give to my nieces, a little touch I like to do each year.  They ended up being more fiddly than I anticipated, but they didn’t turn out too bad.  They were just big enough to hold a Freddo Frog and Caramello Koala, which didn’t last long when received by the girls.


I’m blowed if I can find my box of felt.  I’ve looked in all the logical places to no avail.  This may be telling me something!  I did however find the red felt that I used, together with some green that I had forgotten I had.  I bought it for next to nothing at a garage sale at Grace Bros department store about 15 years ago.  It had been used in a display and is lovely wool. There is heaps of it.  I must keep it where I can find it again.

Anyway, onto today.  Mick decided that it would be a good idea to attend the party on “Olga” and that she should get in the swing of things, so we prettied her up a bit.  We received quite a few waves on the way into town.


Now that the parties are out of the way, we still have to do all our gift shopping – I’ve only bought two presents so far.   We normally have a big shopping morning before the Car Club party, but Mick had to work this morning. 

I did put up the tree this evening.  It is just a small table topper instead of the big one, but has some special decorations on it including my swap ornaments.  I’ll get a photo tomorrow.

Believe it or not, it will all come together before the big day and we will have a great time.


  1. I have the same "denial" this year ... very slow with decorating but today I plan to do the fresh greenry deco on the front door. I've been putting out a few things every day or so. My husband did his part and had the outside lights up before Thanksgiving! SIGH! None of the family will be here for Christmas so why go to so much effort and stress ... it will still be a Merry Christmas.
    Have fun at your parties! Merry Merry
    edyB in NM

  2. Cute little christmas stockings!
    Olga looks great in her christmas finery, I bet she had a few admirers.
    The house is starting to look a bit more chrismassy. Every day I put out a few more things. The christmas cake is baking as I type this - the recipe name is - 'last minute christmas cake'.(am a bit behind with things at the mo, but it will be alright on the day)
