Friday 6 November 2009


Vikki over at Sew Useful Designs was asking about to see if there is a better way to prepare blog posts that avoid the formatting issues found in Blogger.

A couple of ladies commented that Windows Live Writer is a really good option, so I’ve just gone through the slow process of downloading the software and am testing it out.

So far I’m a little confused.  The text is printing in quite a narrow band and putting in big breaks between paragraphs, which admittedly, I’ve been able to backspace to normal.

2009_1102November0009 There are a few size options for pictures and I have chosen medium, but it is much wider than the text.  I’ll have to see how it comes together when imported into my blog.

By the way, these flowers are the last of our iris that I took to work this week to cheer up my office.  I had no idea that iris are so fragrant.  They looked beautiful on the day after this photo when they were fully out.

Likewise, it will be interesting as to what font size, type and colour carries over into my blog.

Now ………… hold your breath and let’s see what happens.

OK ……… I did a preview and the photo was too big, and only half of it displayed.  I changed it to small, but that was too small, so there were points you could drag, so I dragged it to the correct size, so far so good.

In the preview, my usual “cutest blog on the block” formatting didn’t show up, so we’ll see what happens in a final post.

Here goes………………


  1. I thought I recognised those shutters, those Iris are gorgeous! =D

  2. I love the mulitcoloured irises. You are so very brave to experiment with your blog formatting. Blogger annoys me I am way too intimidated by the whole computer thing to start changing things around.
