Monday 5 October 2009

The Week That Was

I seem to have fallen into a routine of only posting once a week, but that will just have to do.

It has been a long weekend here, and on cue, the weather turned cold and bleak. Wet enough to be a nuisance, but not enough rain to be of any real use.

Mick worked on Saturday, so I went to my sewing group in the afternoon. It was nice to catch up with everyone after missing the last couple. I worked on Block 4 of Verandah Views BOM. I did some more at home that night, so should have it finished soon (but I don’t think I’ll get the chance this week). It is so nice to just sit and stitch.

We had grand plans of taking the old BMW and sidecar out yesterday, but due to the unreliable weather we had a day out in the car. By the way, the old BMW outfit has been named “Olga” - a good German name, which also can be linked to “Old Girl”.

Our day out yesterday took us to Millthorpe for their annual open gardens weekend. We visited ten gardens during the day – five in town and five country gardens. I loved the mossy trees.

Wasn’t this a creative way to use worn out work boots.

Tulips featured in many of the gardens. These were really beautiful.

After looking at gardens we visited Mick’s Dad to watch the footy grand final. We would have liked Parramatta to win (even if my brother supports them), but it was not to be.

Then, it was a mad dash to our neighbour’s house for a farewell dinner for one of our other neighbours. We have been blessed here. We are in a tiny hamlet of 5 houses close together in the middle of paddocks. We are all the families who bought a paddock and built our homes. This is the first of the families to leave, which is sad. We hope our new neighbours are just as lovely.

Today we actually stayed home. Mick worked in the garden. It was very overgrown. I cleaned out some kitchen cupboards and have bags and boxes of stuff for the white elephant stall – yes – that special church fete is coming up in a couple of weeks and I am clearing some stuff out in anticipation of some good finds. (Well, not really, I was just amazed at the stuff I never use and had forgotten we have.)

There was also some planting of flowers and a gooseberry in the garden.

What about the rest of the week. Not much really, no crafting to mention. But I did read a book. We had some book vouchers from Christmas that we finally got around to redeeming and I chose “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society”. I had heard it was good, and it lived up to expectations. Very enjoyable.
The other book I chose was “Made in France”. Beautiful, simple patterns in cross stitch and stem stitch. I have a little band of natural linen with a red edge that I bought in Paris when we were there two years ago, (the bags were very full at that stage) and have not been able to find a suitable pattern to stitch. Now I have inspiration.

The Blackwork Embroidery book was being given away by one of Mum's friends who is leaving town, so she thought of me. She's a good Mum isn't she.

1 comment:

  1. Once a week is good for me! I too am struggling to post more often at present.
    Love the trees, and gosh the boots! Must show my cactus loving son; no doubt he will be recycling all the boots he can get his hands on now..... *grin*
    The books look lovely! I love books.
