Thursday 13 August 2009

It's Here!!..and My Haven't They Grown!!

It arrived!

Selina was my mystery Wash Cloth Swapper and she has sent a lovely package. Don’t you just love the way it was wrapped in an old sewing pattern and tied with her own “Selina’s Vintage” ribbon. What a lovely touch.

And what a stash when it was opened. The accompanying card is also one of Selina’s own showing her much loved chenille. The wash cloth is hobnail chenille with a fine binding of 30’s style cotton – in keeping with Selina’s love of chenille. The colours are just right for our bathroom.
I’m going to have a lovely soak in the bath on the weekend with the Bath Tea and the organic soap – bliss....and I know the choccie won't be around very long at all!

Thanks so much Selina. I’m thrilled.

Now, off on a tangent……Look how my daffs have grown. This photo was taken on Thursday morning. What a contrast to Sunday afternoon! There are still more buds coming on as well. The hyacinths haven’t done much yet, so that is something to look forward to once these have finished.

Just as well I brought them in on Sunday!


  1. Oh, I'm so glad you like it! I have that same fabric in pink and yellow as well, but I thought the green seemed more you. Have a great soak in the tub!

    Take care,

  2. Hi Jannimary; just popped into your blog from Sue's. Love all the washers that are being sent around, might try one if I can get some of the right type of yarn. Your daffodils are looking "so good"...spring is around the corner.
    Kind Regards

  3. Your wash cloth is just beautiful!
