Saturday 4 July 2009

Lolly Legs

Just a quick post as we have an overnight visitor arriving some time today and I NEEEED to do a big tidy up. If I don’t do this post now, it won’t happen for a while.

My little niece had her 2nd birthday yesterday and I decided last week to make her a softie doll that was featured in the latest Homespun magazine (No 73 Vol 10.6). It is designed by Fiona Lech of Dear Fii. I have heaps of magazines and it is very rare for me to make something featured straight away.

This little lady was called “Pepper” in Homespun, but I have named my version “Lolly Legs".

I gave myself 2 nights before the birthday to make her…..and then realised I had a hair appointment on Wednesday night…..therefore, just 1 night!!! I sewed like crazy and got her done on time.

As my brother and his family often go camping or stay at the property where he works, I decided to make Lolly Legs her own sleeping bag. It is very wide to accommodate the skirt, but I think it turned out not too bad.

Lolly Legs and her sleeping bag were made entirely from my stash (except for the heart buttons), which was also good. The sleeping bag is actually a poly cotton blend, but for this it won't matter, and it used up a couple of pieces entirely.

Mick’s verdict of Lolly Legs is “That would have to be the ugliest thing I have ever seen!” Oh well, I didn’t make it for him and I hope the recipient has a little more positive attitude.

As it turned out, I didn’t need to do the mad rush, as I won’t get to see the birthday girl for about a week.

And a bonus....... I already have a finish for July.


  1. I love the fabrics you have used:)and that bag is a fantastic idea:)love fi xo

  2. Wow! She is very PINK.
    My niece would love her too. The sleeping bag was a great idea.

  3. She looks fabulous, and the sleeping bag was a wonderful idea.
    Megan Fisher
    Technical Editor
    Homespun magazine

  4. My copy of Homespun has arrived. You're right, I love it! Between that and AP&Q there is enough to keep me busy for the next six months!
    Tony agrees with Mick!
