Sunday 26 April 2009

Brrrrrr! & I've Got Mail!

Well, I suppose it had to happen.......this morning I lit the fire!!! Up until now we have just turned on the little fan heater to take off the chill at breakfast, but yesterday and today have been quite bleak.

Today is drizzly with a cold southerly blowing and only predicted to reach about 12 degrees C. Therefore, I braved the woodshed that I haven't been in for months. I thought I had to buy a load of wood before we go away, but it is well stocked. I'll have to ask Mick about Dad may have been up to his tricks again.... he sometimes buys Mick a load of wood for his birthday... and this may be the case, as Mick's birthday is coming up.

On another note, there was a big envelope in the mail on Thursday. How exciting! It held the pattern I won in the giveaway from Kris at Tagalong Teddies. My first giveaway prize! (Sorry the photo isn't the best.) I can't wait to make it, but will just finish off a couple of other things first.

I have been knitting my lovely mohair scarf. I still didn't calculate my number of stitches very well, so it will actually be a stole rather than a scarf. That will be good, as I have often wished I had something like that suitable to wear of an evening, and this should do the trick.


  1. It's getting chilly here too. Maybe in a day or two we might put the fire on. Glad you have lots of wood, you'll be nice and cosy with your fire and your lovely mohair scarf. Congrats on winning the giveaway, very nice!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. Congratulations on your win, that looks lovely. It's been cold here too!

  3. Hi Janice!!! I received your BEAUTIFUL parcel today - oh, my, I felt SO spoiled!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You definitely *saw through me* with your choices - and the elephant egg cup, ooooohhhh, so special, I shall treasure it along with my gorgeous pillow.
    This was my first craft swap and I am overwhelmed by how lovely my gifts are from you. I shall be supping with my serviette's tonight, they match my teacups! And the chocolates...they are mine alone. ;-)
