Sunday 22 March 2009

Aahhh Autumn

This morning I sat on the verandah, eating my breakfast, soaking up the sun and couldn't think of a better place to be.

The sky is a deep blue, there was a slight mist in the valleys, the gentlest of breeze, bird calls for accompaniment and the dog and I just sitting quietly.....bliss.

It was so nice to be able to just sit and enjoy, not be rushing around.

Autumn is the most perfect time of year here on the Tablelands. We are blessed with experiencing the four seasons, unlike much of Australia.

Our dahlias are still putting on a show. They have flowered all summer.

There are still a few other spots of colour in the garden.

This dahlia has the most delicate colour.

The leaves are just starting to turn.

We still have a few late roses.

And I love being able to pick a fresh apple each day off the tree when I go up to feed the chooks.

However, back to reality.......the house needs cleaning, the washing and ironing are to be done and the garden needs weeding/watering/trimming/tidying.
Mick has been away this weekend on a Poker Run organised by a local motorcycle club to raise money for a local lad recently severly injured in a bike accident, so yesterday I had a girly day. I'll post about that later today. Suffice to say, I had a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos, Janice. Oh, to be able to grow nice crunchy apples. The parrots would eat them here. (they eat all of our nashi pears, and peaches). Lovely flower photos too :) Cooler days here too, I love this time of year.
