Tuesday 30 December 2008

New Banner

Do you like my new banner? I have finally worked out how to crop a photo to the correct size. Thanks to Dutch Blue I have been able to use Picnik to add the text.

The background is an old fabric. In the late 1920's my grandfather bought a chair at an auction sale. It was old then. It became my grandmother's chair. It was reupholstered twice by my grandmother and mother, the last time in the early 70's. To make up for being saggy old jumpers and newspapers were stuffed in it. In the 80's it was relegated to rot in a shed.

In the early 90's I was able to claim it. Mick and I took it back to the original upholstery which was the fabric you see on the background of my header. It then languised in our shed for over 10 years as I could never find a fabric I liked for it.

Eventually I found a fabric (although I still don't know if I really like it, it is rather overpowering) and we dragged it out to arrange for professional reupholstering. We took off the old original fabric. Mick was for chucking it out, but I saved some of the fabric off the back which was in fragile but not too bad condition. I cut the best bit to A4 size and have preserved it in a plastic sleeve in a folder. The photo is a very small portion of that piece of fabric.

We then started taking out the miriad of tacks and nails. The horsehair etc. was in such a poor state that we ended up taking it back to just the timber frame and springs. I don't know what the upholsterer thought when I turned up with it. He did a good job on the chair and now it sits in pride of place in our lounge room. I remember Grandma reading books to my brother when he was little in that chair.

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